Sun/Mercury Inferior Conjunction at 0*14' Libra; Mercury\Jupiter at 4*44'
Libra season moves in with a real potency toward raw self-examinations and decidedly discerning divisions within determinations…
Fall next week, from September 20-25th, Mercury will be particularly potent… first, Mercury will oppose Jupiter Rx for the second time, now moving retrograde, at 4*44’ Libra on September 18th, and then Mercury will meet up with the sun in inferior conjunction, on September 22nd at 0*14’ Libra.
This particular week is also Mercury’s last week moving back through the initial degrees of Libra before moving back into Virgo, which is to imply that these initial degrees of Libra fall upon the core of the lesson we aim to learn through this retrograde phase—degrees through which Mercury will move through a third and final time on October 10th (0* Libra) and 13th (4*44’), respectively.
And so, dear reader, it is through this first degree of Libra that we must attempt to understand the ‘bigger picture’ thereof… the bigger picture upon what we’ve been navigating—likely—since August…
What is this mercurial lesson we’re needing to learn?
An inferior conjunction describes the beginnings of the processes we undergo when preparing to embrace new values and needs—or maybe not so much embracing, but needing to because it’s the better thing for us to do.
This bigger picture, then, through the lens of the first degree of Libra—at the inferior conjunction—would suggest that the current reality has lost much of its energy… and so the appropriate verbiage of this aspect would be something like: you are beginning to weigh the pro’s and con’s and balance the in’s and out’s of a new way of discerning something, or someone, within your reality—or needing to—and should you appropriate this new way into your everyday, it will change everything in a most positive and/or advantageous way.
Something new, thriving with much more momentum, has emerged—or is emerging… though it is much too soon to tell anything—and could be severely misunderstood at this point. There’s much more to whatever it is… and whatever it is, whatever it is that’s emerging—it will require you to remain who you are to your core… that whatever changes needing to be made—in time, as it is too early to tell—will need to be made externally, as well as from deep within.
These eventual changes—changes which are not quite ready at this time to be fully realized, discerned, or decided upon—will likely result in the betterment of your overall outlook upon things, as well as improve you within your you-ness. These changes will only perfect their essence in time… with time.
It will take time for you to properly realize the entirety of it all, discern any of it fully, or decide upon anything.
Where is Libra within your nativity? —what sector of your life does Libra govern? This will likely give you a clue as to where something new is trying to emerge…
It is important, too, to note where Venus is currently moving, and this would be in Virgo, upon the twenty-third degree on the 22nd… a degree that describes ‘resoluteness and patience’, as astrologer Dane Rudhyar transcribed this degree, “the need to tame one’s vital energies in order to fulfill one’s destiny…” as it is also described, archetypally, as a lion tamer—someone who really needs to know what they are doing… to an extreme extent, with disastrous consequences.
Luckily, by the time Mercury opposes Jupiter for the third and final time, on the 13th of October, it does so through a degree that describes ‘guidance and protection’, and “information and understanding coming to you or through you…” that “insight, knowledge and expertise are available or present, or at least they need to be…”
So, what are we needing to learn? It’s likely been just under our nose the entire time. Something tells me that it’s mighty important, and it’s been somewhat vocal for awhile now. Remember to listen… listening, even, in between the words.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; 1973.