Through the entire week of October 16th to the 22nd—the sun and Venus will become close, closer yet, very close, and quite close… and finally join in conjunction on the 22nd at 29*28’ Libra.
What exactly is happening between the sun and Venus?—from an astronomical viewpoint, the sun is swallowing Venus; astrologically, it is referred to as combustion.
Combustion is when the personal planets are within 8*30’ prior to the exact degree point of the sun… and when the planets move into the exact degree point—this is referred to as cazimi.
Cazimi is like the celestial reward after the swallowing/combustion—cazimi is shared ignition… like one matchstick lighting another, as they’re finally as close as it gets.
Cazimi is technically only in its truest way within the 17 minutes occurring through the exact degree point—so, not even an hour, essentially… roughly a quarter of an hour for Venus to be reborn and celestially emboldened and empowered.
In other words—through this next week, through October 16th to the 22nd—Venus will not be seen in the sky as Venus is moving closer and closer toward ‘the heart’ of the sun, so deeply within its middle Venus becomes invisible within the sun’s eye-blinding brightness, from our point of view on earth; it is cazimi, by technicality, that defines ‘in the heart of the sun’.
And thereby, astrologically—though, of course, this is severely debated within the astrological community, and many factors apply—severely weakened.
What does this mean?—it means that anything Venusian through this time will be severely weakened and debilitated; any Venusian pursuit, or Venusian activity, or Venusian transaction—these will be less than—that the typical Venusian ease or enjoyment aroused by these will not incur the same effect through this time.
These Venusian pursuits will take much, much more effort than usual.
And what’s the ultimate Venusian aim when moving through Libra?—reconciliation. Reconciliation will very likely occur—if it’s going to—after the 22nd and through the 25th, in Scorpio… though this reconciliation will likely be extreme, somewhat morbidly reaffirming, and/or quite intense… and entirely eye-opening.
What’s definitely interesting about this particular combustion (as this occurs somewhat regularly, within pattern) is that the exact degree point is upon the last degree of Libra—though the two continue moving in tandem into Scorpio, particularly through that zero point degree of Scorpio… and so this immediately suggests an ending of some type—even if it’s simply an ending through which you do something in a particular way, or something that you do that you shouldn’t, or shedding a behavior that isn’t benefitting you anymore—and this process will likely require two ways through which you pull this off.
Further, whatever it is you’ll be aiming to reconcile will likely not, or really shouldn’t, be that which you’ve been working at ending or of letting go… unless it’s irreconcilable.
It is here, through the exact degree point of this conjunction—through 29*28’ Libra—that you may be ‘playing your cards close to your chest’… striving to receive the ‘lowdown’ of a circumstance or situation—essentially, sniffing out the facts first… it’s all too much and too heavy to really gain a grasp you trust, or truly understand in more ways than just one. Also—are you thinking objectively about your circumstance in question?—or are you feeling through it all? This differentiation is pivotal at this time, as Libra (despite being ruled by Venus) is a thinker… but Scorpio feels. And this will likely shift for you as you navigate this process toward whatever is in question within your own personal reality. It’s wise, and helpful, to recognize one from the other.
Ultimately, Venus—within cazimi—through this particular degree, is ‘piercing through appearances to see the inherent truth of a situation and bringing abstract truths into reality… there may be the need to be cautious, however, of always ‘living in one’s head’… and through this detail I remind you, once more, of the third decan of Libra and its symbolisms… and you may very well be gifted with an incredible insight or instinct, or inner knowing through this time, to more throughly comprehend all that you’re thinking and all that you’re feeling into the more subtle parts of your being.
Another perspective of this particular degree reads: poised at the brink of every conceivable possibility, but lingering over the darkness—that which is not yet complete, that which still must be encompassed… motivated sharply to affirm and acknowledge all sides of life—every possible variation… you are quintessentially driven to bring everything up and out, the creative artist who purges whatever is in there; most vitally committed to coming up with the hidden element and making sure that it finds its place, that it is done justice to, but not dwelled upon… the journey itself is the point, and each juncture is the destination…’
Sometimes the truest parts of something are harsh, ugly, dark, and broken—which is what the last degree of Libra prepares us for, as we approach the first degree of Scorpio—or, at least this is the Venusian lesson we’re learning this time around—as well as the intersection between thoughts and feelings, and that precious place of peace which exists within you that allows your head and your heart to play nicely together.
On October 23rd—both the sun and Venus will move into Scorpio (squaring Pluto to do so, just a small detail there…) though Venus takes the plunge into the depths of the Underworld first, thereby passing beyond the sun—and further still, beginning a new Venusian cycle.
How truly appropriate—beginning again, anew: through the ending of something irreconcilable.
The first degree of Scorpio describes the ‘observations of life’ we make, give notice, or avoid, as well as ‘new ways of seeing.’
It cannot be taken lightly, here, that this first degree of Scorpio glimpses, for us, the doorway to the Underworld—a door Venus is opening before the sun, which is to say: our heart will take this on, regardless, before we’ve even had a chance to adjust our eyes or process a new understanding toward who we are now within this new environment, with all of these new potentials before us.
In some way—large or small—by October 22nd: you will have the need to ask yourself who you are now, and who you are going to become… and/or—something will have you ‘coming to grips with something you’d rather not look at…’
Navigating the depths and darknesses of Scorpio through November will reward us with new meaning, renewed strength of character, and a revived sense of self-identity.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandela.’ Vintage Books; 1973.