On November 29th Mercury will oppose Mars Rx at 19*17’ and the next day, the 30th, Venus will follow, at 18*48’…
Typically, a Mercury/Mars opposition suggests the differences between ‘all talk’ and the actual doing—the dynamics involved between the planning and the performance.
A Venus/Mars opposition can become a bit more involved… but overall, without the underlying dynamics of sexuality—this aspect can indicate the differences and potential obstacles between reconciliations… and separations.
These degrees, specifically, are particularly supportive in these fundamental aspectual relationships.
The degree through which Mercury opposes Mars Rx only further exploits the notion of understanding—possibly, innate understanding, which is to suggest the type of understanding that just knows… though, it also has origins toward ‘breaking the ice’.
It is particularly important—essential, really—to begin planning ahead.
This degree collaborates the notion of future needs, arrangements, and removing barriers while navigating potential obstacles—in an effort to come out the ‘other end’ successfully, or at least, unscathed.
With Venus, this degree speaks to self-sufficiency… or, it could also connect to one’s ‘individual character as whole and complete within itself and with every personal skill or talent available to be called into action as needed…’ but, lets admit—this is a stretch… the emphasis here, more simply, is on having the courage to make needed change happen, to possess a willingness to try new things—or maybe one big, new thing… and challenge your own self/ego to pursue higher accomplishments.
Starting over is the underlying emphasis.
Starting over, starting fresh—to begin again with open eyes, an open heart, and an open mind that has not already made itself up with theories, opinions, or preferences.
There is an opening being offered to you to re-establish yourself in some way…
Sagittarius energies love a challenge and adore an adventure… constantly changing, in one way or another, is a way of life for Sagittarius.
This would, essentially, speak to both mental and emotional parameters being subjected to a potential ‘ice breaking’, toward a potential need to plan… to a potential ‘starting over’, which would be to suggest that a re-booting of both thoughts and feelings, experiencing a renewal of that which is potently essential—which is to suggest even the slightest adjustments in your thoughts, your behaviors, how you think you feel about things, your preferences… and eventually, adjusting your actions and reactions. These constructively personal adjustments will inevitably—eventually—begin to adjust your life into brighter scenery and opportunities.
As Mars retrogrades in Gemini, these oppositions may center more heavily upon your personal philosophies and convictions, your beliefs, and overall ways of living…
These energies, now, are specifically motivated to jump-start your everyday-ness and routines—things that we tend to rely on, just because…
For a simple example… every morning, without fail—I boil water to make my English Breakfast tea, because it connects me, if only symbolically, to my aunt Annee, who introduced me to this particular flavor… whether I drink it or not is another thing entirely, though, should I unknowingly run out one morning and not have a bag to submerge in steaming hot water… I would notice. I shudder to imagine that they would they ever discontinue this particular tea, as it would be ridiculously emotional.
I would need to adjust.
I love the flavor—and I do drink most of my mug most days—but my favorite part of this ritual, for me, is the smelling of it after its steeped, before I’m even able to drink it… I can’t explain it.
Ultimately, we’re entering into the potentiality for an entirely new atmosphere of being-ness, if you should be so willing to participate… and this is but one of the minor lessons in preparation—the necessity toward opening ourselves to other ways of gaining/sustaining that which we might need within our everyday.
Banzhaf, H. & A Haebler. ‘Key Words for Astrology.’ Weiser, Inc; 1996.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ The Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.