Venus moved into Sagittarius on November 15th, and Mercury followed today—the 17th—and Venus will move through Sagittarius until December 9th while Mercury will entertain the fares of Zeus until December 6th.
With Sagittarius, we’re dealing with Jupiter—and with Jupiter, there’s always more…
Jupiter is Zeus, and Zeus was the god of the gods… Zeus was everything—and thereby, Jupiter represents abundance and excess… filthy amounts of more, more more.
When Venus moves into Sagittarius, it is a natural ‘turn of events’ that our personal values ‘all of a sudden’ want—hell, it’s not even a want, it’s an expectation for—more!!!
Humorously, Co-Star Astrology shared a meme for Venus in Sagittarius that states that ‘bad decisions are just stories to seduce your next bad decision…’
When Mercury moves into Sagittarius, it is also a natural script-flip that our mental parameters envision more… that for months, our minds have only harbored this, that, and the other thing, somewhat automonously—and then, all of a sudden!—eureka!—we can envision literally anything…
Can you imagine!?
Well, please—have the honor the for the next 18/19 days…
Jupiter is sort of the make-a-wish planet…
And when planets tap into Jupiter through Sagittarius, it’s like a celestial green light.
Maybe your ideals don’t exactly make any sense in nearly any practical way… that’s fine—maybe you’ll get really lucky, maybe nothing will happen at all—no harm done.
Jupiter, as a planetary energy is more about provoking you to envision that which may not be possible… but—and here’s the catch—to have the actual stomach and moxie to find a way to pull it all off.
Most people don’t understand this.
And, unfortunately, this is where is all gets ridiculously wonderful…
I’m afraid the term ‘abundance’ becomes somewhat grossly misinterpreted… and this is often the misunderstanding with both Jupiter and Sagittarius. And this, not inconsequentially, is all too often the way one’s chart becomes mis-navigated… after all, it’s a mighty planet to try to understand in one’s nativity.
As for the currentRoche, delineations for Venus and Mercury—
—Venus and Mercury will move along the degrees of Sagittarius, together, in tandem, without aspect until around the 25th, when both will connect to Chiron by trine (13*)… and then both will begin to oppose Mars.
—These oppositions will be exact on the 29th at 20* (Mercury), and the 30th at 19* (Venus)… and each will subsequently square Neptune (23*) shortly thereafter.
—Further, both Mercury and Venus will further square Jupiter (30*) before moving into Capricorn.
And—just so you’re aware—Mercury passes Venus on November 21st at 7*10’ Sagittarius, which is a degree that suggests ‘building on firm foundations…’
This degree represents stability—and this conjunction represents a really lovely harmony between right and left brains… a really balanced way of thinking and feeling, in tandem—and so ‘putting all of the pieces’ of something together may come together for you now…
You may feel much more in ‘control’ of something… though—control, through the lens of Sagittarius isn’t controlling, by any means, but much more mentally/emotionally understandable.
With Sagittarius—understanding is nearly everything. Understanding is interpretation, and interpretation is narrative, and narrative—as we’re all beginning to learn (via Sagittarius and Gemini)—is absolute power… and power is control.
So, let’s delineate, shall we?!
I have a feeling that the combined connection to Chiron—just before opposing Mars—is something somewhat heavy… and important.
The degree through which both Mercury and Venus connect to Chiron through represents forgiveness…
Which is a completely Chironic idea, isn’t it?!
But, because it’s through the lens of Sagittarius—this forgiveness will likely be revolutionary… a completely personal revelation. Like, no other… Stupid.This forgiveness will be the forgiveness of the decade. Total Zeus-style.
You’ve ‘all of a sudden’ changed your ways… and, ‘all of a sudden’, so have they.
Everyone is eager to admit any wrong-doing—accepting consequences will aplomb.
Maybe not.
Maybe—more likely, realistically—is that you’re finally able and ready to forgive yourself of something.
Further, you may become privy to something painful. Or disturbing. Or personally unsettling about yourself. Either way, something you’d rather not know.
And then, in opposition to Mars…
Mercury, at 20* Sagittarius, further exploits the notion of understanding—possibly, innate understanding… though, it also has origins within the idea of ‘breaking ice’.
It is particularly important—essential, really—to begin planning ahead… this degree also collaborates the notion of future needs, arrangements, and removing barriers and navigating potential obstacles.
Venus, at 19* Sagittarius, speaks to self-sufficiency… or, it could also connect to ‘individual character as whole and complete within itself and with every personal skill or talent available to be called into action as needed… the emphasis here is on having the courage to make needed changes, try something new, and challenge the self to higher accomplishments…’
The ‘accent’ of this degree is ‘on starting over…’ or reestablishing yourself in some way.
Sagittarius energies love a challenge, and adore an adventure… changing, in one way or another, is a way of life for Sagittarius.
This would, essentially, speak to both mental and emotional parameters being subjected to a potential ‘ice breaking’, to a potential need to plan… to a potential ‘starting over’… which would be to suggest that a re-booting of both thoughts and feelings, experiencing a renewal of that which is potently essential.
An opposition to Mars, for either planet, could represent a rewiring toward both thoughts and feelings—though, these may focus more heavily upon personal philosophies and convictions, beliefs, and overall ways of living… as Mars retrograde through Gemini is specifically motivated to jumpstart our everyday-ness and routines… things that we tend to rely on, just because. Well… these days, it may not be so readily available—whatever it is—and so we’re needing to open ourselves to other ways of gaining what we might need within our everyday.
Then, the square to Neptune.
Both Mercury and Venus square Neptune through the same degree—a degree that represents ‘trying something new’.
This, even further, is a degree of ‘entrance’.
Are you beginning to sense a bit of a theme emerging?
With Neptune—particularly, from the perspective of Sagittarius—opportunity is absolutely available… and a ‘willingness to risk’… or ‘leave the safe and familiar in the hope of finding greater freedom and meaning in life…’
There is a very heavy history of immigrant character or archetype within this degree.
Starting over, here too, resonates.
Learning new ways of living…
Adaptability. With a capitol A.
There is an accent of ‘closing the door to the past and opening wide to the gateway of the future… you may sense that it’s time to pull up roots and make a change…’
Evolution—it’s a funny thing—adaptability is one thing… selectivity is yet another.
Finally, the tandem square to Jupiter occurs through a degree that ‘calls to a higher service…’
This is so Neptunian…
And it’s so much more overall than the other aspects…
This one directs itself, more directly, in my opinion, to personal beliefs… but, perhaps, more particularly—toward religious doctrine, advertised nationally…
For you, personally, it might benefit you to put effort toward actually living your ideals, rather than having them upon a vision board… to actualize them into your everyday, in even the smallest of ways.
It’s important to do what you believe is right… whatever the circumstances.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbol.’ The Astrology Classics; 1998; 2010.