Mercury & Venus in Capricorn: An Overview| THRU DECEMBER UNTIL JANUARY 3rd (Venus) & FEBRUARY 11th (Mercury)
Mercury has been ingressed in Capricorn since December 7th and Venus followed on December 10th…
These two personal planets have been moving in close tandem since October—clearly there is a theme beneath it all, emerging in ways both Mercurial and Venusian, which is to say: within seed ideas becoming thoughts, thoughts sparking communications, communications becoming something of a new dialogue, and the new dialogues evolving into planning, for these plans to eventually be manifested into reality tangibly, materially, or physically… or, such is the way with desires—sudden sparks of desire are born of intrigue or interest and these morph into something that quickly becomes a physical or emotional drive to become closer and closer still to whatever it is motivating this new-found feeling, this new-found delight… a delight that will not be satiated until a real connection is made, a climax experienced, a feeling endured.
This is merely a review of what Mercury and Venus have been creatively conjuring since October—through Scorpio—and through November, through the very self-focused energies of the adventurous Archer… and now—now we arrive in Capricorn.
Mercury enjoys its time moving through the degrees and energies of Capricorn.
In Capricorn, Mercury becomes a planner, a strategizing builder… as shamanic astrologer Raven Kaldera refers to it, “a master architect…” the ‘architect of the universe’ in fact.
It is important to realize that if you have Mercury in Capricorn in your nativity—it is crucial for you to always have goals… somewhere through which to plan and build and envision once again. And, for those of us merely experiencing the transit of Mercury moving through Capricorn—it is essential to feel fulfilled with/by what you are working on, particularly what you do for a living… if you’re not happy—fix it.
As Kaldera summarizes it, that despite Mercury is quite content within Capricorn, there is an awkwardness… because Capricorn is associated to the elements of earth, these tie Mercury down, root Mercury, and otherwise keep Mercury a little too stable, a little too secure, though these also result in depressively melancholic moods—because, you know, Saturn… and so, as both nativities and transits alike will likely find something of an affect—these moods may become something of a backdrop from now through February.
The key lesson, perhaps, as Mercury moves through Capricorn, is thereby the frenzied compulsions to plan, prepare, build, and stockpile begin to feel nearly competitive… everything always just beyond the horizon, just beyond reach…
Perhaps the essence of Mercury in Capricorn, in this regard, is about living in the Now… in not putting off what can be done today, or tomorrow—despite Saturn heavily preferring that the long-term, long-ranging tomorrow goals be vivaciously planned and laid into place.
And when the everyday spontaneous Now-ness begins to become more of a new routine—Saturn does appreciate a routine—maybe then Mercury’s need for movement and change can be properly honored within Capricornian needs for ever-improving growth, however awkwardly grown into.
Venus, when in Capricorn, is quite ambitious, unapologetically so.
Our needs become enhanced—our desires become motivated by quality, by function, by more…
Venus in Capricorn dwells a bit upon security, especially toward retirement. Venus, when in Capricorn, is only concerned enough about Now as it pertains most directly and assuredly to One Day—that One Day down the road beyond the horizon… everything is considered in regard to tomorrow.
And it is most certainly not awkward in the slightest.
However, a Venusian speciality, within these long-ranging goals and retirement plans, begins to desire to prove the actual durability, stability, and loyalty of relationship.
When Venus is in Capricorn we need proof that our partner really will be with us Until Death Do Us Part… we desire to test the foundations of our relationships, we need to know they will endure.
Will this relationship afford me, nurture me, remain loyal to me, and continue to love me when I’m old and breaking down, when my body begins to puff or sag, wrinkle and turn gray or white—when I no longer remember, when I can no longer care for myself?
This is really romantic stuff, because I mean—Saturn. Saturn’s that hopeless romantic… it’s so heavy it’s too much!
This is why many weddings are officiated moon Saturday’s—Saturn’s day… Saturn cares very little whether or not there is ‘love in the air’ in regard to love defining giddy, gooey, blissful romantic love… love, to Saturn, describes the One who will see you through until your final heartbeat after a lifetime of reality endured.
It’s up to us to decide which means more to us.
So it is when Venus is in Capricorn that we begin to ponder our self-worth, as well as our actual worth—we begin to wonder about some much heavier, anything-but-romantic matters… we begin to wonder about the plans we dismissed years ago, and the goals we never seemed to get off the ground—we begin to wonder about what we need to feel more secure, more protected, more grounded, and/or more successful, whatever ‘success’ means to us personally.
Both Mercury and Venus, again in tandem, will connect to Chiron and Uranus this month—to Chiron by square at 11*58’, from Mercury, on December 14th, and from Venus at 11*56’ on December 19th; and to Uranus by trine, from Mercury on December 17th at 15*29’, and from Venus on December 22nd at 15*22’… more on this below.
Then it becomes a bit interesting.
So interesting—it’ll deserve its own post…
However, please allow me to provide you a snapshot preview:
Mercury, still leading, and Venus, still following, begin moving slowly toward Pluto—at this point, very much representing the final gates of redemption within Capricorn—and so those of us attempting to celebrate any of the major holiday celebrations, yet again this year, could be somewhat rudely or harshly or most abrasively thwarted…
On December 28th Mercury stations to retrograde at 24*18’.
On December 29th Mercury, now taking its first retrograded movements backward, crosses Venus at 24*21’, and this revive whatever recent collaborative manifestations may have occurred back on November 21st—when Mercury was chasing after Venus and Mercury’s catch-up was their last conjunction, at 7*09’ Sagittarius.
And then, each day until the 31st Venus moves toward Pluto—feeling something like a reunion from last year’s Venus/Pluto conjunctions—yes, plural—as there were three because Venus stationed retrograde a degree off of Pluto and reconnected in conjunction, all within the same week of many major festivities, and once more final time in January of 2022.
Venus will conjoin Pluto on the 31st at 27*40’ Capricorn—which I will write a separate post to delineate.
Venus will then move on to Aquarius, and this will also be delineated in its own post…
So, what can we expect when Mercury and Venus square Chiron, or connect to Uranus by trine?—these are clearly very different experiences, very different motivations…
Typically a Mercury/Chiron square can indicate a difficulty to achieve clarity, or a frustrated fatigue in regard to seeking solutions or problem-solving… there may be an impotence experienced when attempting to share, communicate, listen, or understand—there may be a challenging component involved with these specific activities.
And in Capricorn, Mercury’s influence could present us with struggle with this through in inability to form a solid thought, an inability to communicate it smoothly enough to be understood, or enticing… with melancholic moods melting in the notions of Tomorrow, of One Day So Far into The Future You Can’t Even Imagine. It is also a real possibility that you may fail to actually change any of your routines—that you fail to see the potentials through doing everyday routines in different ways.
A Venus/Chiron square can describe something almost contrary—here one may be driven to share with others that which is challenging, sensitive, traumatic, difficult, or rejecting… in an effort to reconcile past pain or simply assuage one’s inner wounds. There is also a potential desire to overcome these vulnerabilities, to overcome all the fears, to overcome the past… and this very process has at the likelihood to actually attract others to you, as well as to attract the very freedoms you are intending.
And in Capricorn, Venus’s influence here could describe a heightened ability, or need, to very seriously communicate real concerns in regard of the future… particularly if challenges, sensitivities, traumas, difficulties or feelings of rejection are a current sore spot or a spot of contention that could very well be a source of frustration when considered long-term.
And with Uranus—when Mercury connects to Uranus, new information, and information of all kinds, are actually quite fluid, quickly received, and adroitly understood… efforts in integration with nearly anything become a bit more smooth.
Though, with Venus—when Venus connects to Uranus, this energy isn’t so much about information at all, unless you mean sensory or etheric or otherwise… this combination has the potential to spark unusual thrills in new and different ways. There’s typically also an erratic tendency toward flexibility, or adapting, so that new patterns can be initiated in an effort to break apart the ruts of routines.
Still, please keep in mind that these descriptions are describing its higher frequency vibrations…
The lower frequency vibrations between Mercury in Uranus include abruptness, extreme impatience, abrasive misunderstandings, exaggerations in both thinking and in speech, poor listening, feeling disconnected, inconsequential, and sometimes critical confusions can occur… these do not advocate for smooth communicating.
Thusly, lower frequency vibrations between Venus and Uranus include extreme mood oscillations, changing standpoints, willfulness, inconsiderateness, unpredictable, unfaithful, unscrupulous, and recklessly destructive to that which is traditionally celebrated or societally conforming. Likewise, these potentialities do not sound supportive to any efforts in confronting vulnerabilities with love and forgiveness.
Luckily, it should only be the aspecting connections occurring through December between Mercury and Venus connecting to both Chiron and Uranus… these middle two weeks of December could become a little miscommunicated—a little wounding, even, without speaking a word.
It’s important to be aware that these somewhat contradictory, though entirely erratic energies, either way, are also building somewhat simultaneously through these last two very dark weeks of December.
In an effort to look further ahead:
Mercury will begin the new year moving back into the earlier degrees of Capricorn—degrees last covered through the month of December—and finally station to move directly on January 18th at 8*08’ Capricorn, and to finally ingress into Aquarius on February 11th.
Still, through this retrograde, Mercury will not quite connect to Pluto in conjunction—not until Mercury is actually leaving Capricorn, so this will be on February 10th at 28*58’—and through its retrograded rerouting Mercury will instead move into its inferior conjunction with the sun on January 7th at 16*57’ Capricorn, once more connect to Uranus for a second time at 15*02’ on January 8th, once more square Chiron at 12*06’ on January 11th before stationing.
Once stationed—you’ve guessed it!—Mercury will then begin moving forwardly to make these connections for a third and final time…
Mercury will square Chiron nearly immediately, on January 27th at 12*29’ and to Uranus on January 29th at 14*58’.
From here, Mercury then begins moving toward Pluto, to connect in conjunction on February 10th at 28*58’ Capricorn…
I will leave all of these, also, and delineate these movements as we move through January and February in separate posts, as it is all so much information… though I do continue to feel as though understanding the bird’s eye view of these movements and cycles is essential.