Upon the autumnal equinox—here in the northern hemisphere—on September 22nd this year, the sun moves into Libra, and within this solar ingression, into the first decan of Libra, moving through the first ten degrees of Libra through October 3rd.
The first decan of Libra is associated with the 2 of swords in the tarot—a card that infamously exploits either indecision, or the necessity of a decision needing to be made… and so for these eleven days—this may very well become something of a theme for you; and the inability to make a proper or fully informed decision, as everything feels to be upon a standstill—fully ‘on pause’ within the present moment.
These eleven days are ideal for meditation—or for meditative-type endeavors, anything that allows you to feel at-one within a larger flow…
It is through this decan that astrologer Austin Coppock writes, “the sleeper must awaken…” that “the principle of justice emerges bombastically here, waking those to disequilibrium in worlds both small and large— the emergence of the principle is a good thing, for it is only through recognition that injustice can be remedied… yet the re-equilibriation entails more than its mere recognition…”
The ultimate aim, when we navigate through the first decan of Libra—is peace.
It is important to remember, however, that the sun is in its fall in all of Libra, but particularly so through its first decan… which would be to say that our inner motivations to strive forward, to create and/or maintain a sense of peace, and harmony, balance, and equanimity, are somewhat challenged, if not outright impotent. Perhaps this is a nod to the underlying associations to such severe indecision and standstill? One will never know… not through this decan, anyway.
In these eleven days Venus moves through the remaining degrees of Virgo and ingresses into Libra, joining the sun, though not catching up to the sun until mid-month, within the second decan—which I will regard in a separate post… it is possible that by September 29th, when Venus moves into Libra, that some of this frustrated standstill might subside—if only a smidge, depending upon the circumstance, of course… Venus rules Libra and is quite celebrated within its vibrations—I would consider that from the 29th, into October, might feel much more comforting in many ways altogether. Keep this in mind if you’re needing to move forward with something that seems resistant or otherwise uncooperative.
The swords represent the mind, and thereby our thoughts—and so it could be understood that, though peace within the external may hardly feel possible at this time… peace within our own minds is truly what is both required, and deeply soothing, now.
The imagery on the 2 of swords is a woman, blindfolded, holding two swords, crossed over her chest, each pointing at a slant in the opposite direction—which could also represent two breaths; inhale, exhale… it would appear that she is meditating, and it would appear as though she is aiming for a sense of physical balance, as well. The blindfold represents, of course, that which is not known, even perhaps that which is unknowable—and tarot writer T Susan Chang holds a theory that it also represents that which is not currently understood…
Further, Chang poses several questions to consider—to ask yourself what you can do to create peace in your mind through this time… to “take a step back from whatever single-minded agenda you have been pursuing… to give [another’s] point of view a full and equal airing… to set aside your preconceptions about [anything!] so you can learn something new…”
Peace may be as simple as witnessing both in your mind, until there is nothing else to see…
—T Susan Chang
And finally, this decan—and its associations to the 2 of swords—is definitely about the thoughts we make space for, and the thoughts that are taking space from us…
What we think effects everything.
The content of our thoughts is everything.
If we only knew the potency of our power—if only we trusted in the personal command that we actually possess within this reality of ours…
Despite the untouchability of thoughts—thoughts are capable of endlessly broadening our consciousness, our experience, our entire reality… just as swiftly as they are able to restrict, limit, and enslave us. Thoughts, ultimately, become the stories and narratives that we share with, or keep from, others—the stories and narratives which then, either way, become the framework of our lives, and how we live our lives in our everyday.
I recently shared this in one of my posts—either already posted, or one I have pre-written—regarding tarot writer Jessica Dore (I just love her) and her thoughts about when we become confused, or when we don’t know how to handle something, or what to decide—Dore suggests that this can be considered a type of self-protection; that “confusion is best in brief doses; it’s the kind of place you might hike out to for the day to catch a glimpse of something new, but maybe not a place where you should set up camp…”
Further, Dore writes, “there’s too much in this world that we have no control over already for us to be positioning ourselves as powerless over things that we do have a choice in… sometimes you need to lift your head up, roll your shoulders back, and act like you know—I hear a lot of people say they’re confused when what they really mean is ‘I’m too scared to admit what I know, or to do what that knowing requires of me…’”
Finally, “indecision can be protective… just as keeping that blindfold on can be protective—it’s not always only that we don’t want to face the reality of what we know… sometimes, we find comfort in confusion and indecision because we believe that if we were to accept reality, we would not be capable of managing the emotions that would come up—and here’s where the sword needs to come out, where you need to do some rearranging—to keep contact with what you know to be true.”
Through these eleven days the sun will meet in inferior conjunction with Mercury—and I have posted on this already… as well as an opposition to Jupiter—which I have covered as well… though, how this celestial event actually manifests for you within your reality will associate most thoroughly throughout the solar-Libran journey.
Then, the moon will reunite with the sun for the Libra new moon on September 25th at 2*49’ Libra, still lingering in opposition to Jupiter, through a degree—as I’ve pre-written for this post—that “bespeaks of inspiration, to ‘the importance of taking initiative and doing something if change is desired…’”
How absolutely appropriate.
Further, I wrote for this post: ‘that hope, wonderment, and a belief that all things are possible can easily be lost by the individual who over-regulates his life through a misguided desire to avoid exerting mind and body…’
This new moon truly will represent a brand new day.
Next up—the 1st Quarter Moon at 9*47’, the moon squaring back from Capricorn on October 2nd, through a degree that describes the need for trust… and should this trust be given, allowed, or initiated—much relief will be experienced.
At this time, too, the sun begins to apply for an eventual opposition to Chiron—to be exact October 7th… a post for another day—but I will disclose to you that this will have something to do with healing, obviously, as well as ‘coming to terms with the inevitability’ of life cycles and ‘establishing steady rhythms’ within these cycles.
These are the only solar aspects through this decan—mostly illuminated by the moon, which would suggest that these very solar Libran aims and motivations, through these eleven days particularly, will be much needed to feel well-balanced and secure.
When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see…
—Idowu Koyenikan
Stay tuned for the Decan Delineation for the 2nd decan of Libra—October 3rd-13th…
Chang, T. ‘36 Secrets.’ Anima Mundi Press; 2021.
Coppock, A. ‘36 Faces.’ Three Hands Press; 2014.
Dore, J. ‘Tarot for Change.’ Viking; 2021.
Reed, T. ‘Tarot: No Questions Asked.’ Weiser Books; 2020.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; 1973.