Sorry for the delay—and the distractions—sometimes Life just cuts in and takes over… and when in Leo, Life can be pretty fun, so fun it’s silly: so, naturally, play comes first.
Since August 2nd the sun has been moving through the second decan of Leo—a decan governed by Jupiter and associated with the 6 of wands in the tarot. Traditionally, the 6 of wands suggests triumph, achievements, optimism and destinations reached!—huzzah! And, of course, with Jupiter, there is typically much to celebrate… and enjoy.
Still, you’re not exactly where you need to be—or want to be—not yet…
Think of this week as a celestial breather—and an excellently auspicious time to have planned a getaway or a vacation (hint hint hint, astrologers can help you with that…)
There’s still work to be done—though the horizons are looking a lot more clear.
The sun will move through this second decan of Leo until August 12th—through which time the sun will connect to both Jupiter (by square) and Chiron (by trine). And just as the sun and Venus collide in inferior conjunction—these two are technically colliding within the third decan… so more on that next week.
Through this next week—or perhaps since Wednesday—you were/will be recognized for something, either publicly or privately, either with reward or mere acknowledgement and/or respect. Ether way, there is something to celebrate… be aware, however, that the week beyond this one—when the sun moves into the third decan of Leo—its circumstances will be governed by Mars. So mind the ego.
The sun will connect with Jupiter by square on August 6th at 14*16’, which is a degree that emphasizes ‘a moment of glory’, and as it is connected to Jupiter it is sure to feel larger-than-life—however it is a square connection and this would suggest, then, that this moment of glory may be hard to come by…
Perhaps it’s something you had planned on being accomplished by now, and for whatever reason this did not go as planned. Or, maybe there was a conflict of interest or dynamics of differences occurring within an arrangement, or group, or relationship otherwise—what could have been quite smooth and clarified, then, became incrementally more difficult.
The sun connects to Chiron, by trine, on August 12th, at 19*47’, a degree that highlights loyalties… as well as the need to self-strengthen, hold faith to a higher source with trust, and to preserve personal values—even as new one are emerging.
It’s a time to play with your inner roar until that inner roar comes out as a real roar…
“At the moment you are unafraid you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion… a great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.”
And that is all, folks—I’ve some lovely sunshine and happiness I would like to enjoy… I plan my time a lot more celestially specifically these days and it’s making all of the difference in regard to the quality of my time, my moods, and my lifestyle.
image credit—@the__sign on instagram