As of the morning of December 31st, through January 10th, the sun will travel through the second decan of Capricorn—a decan associated with the 3 of pentacles in the tarot.
The 3 of pentacles is a card that describes ‘apprenticeship’ and ‘learning on the job’, and represents the building of something quite impressive…
Imagery of blueprints and strategic planning emerge, as well as the magic available within the participation of collaborations and teamwork—here, for the next ten days, are energies potent with energetically celestial assistance. That which is actually, realistically possible is decided now—as well as the harsher confrontations of that which is not possible, and should thereby be surrendered, or relinquished.
Interestingly, Mars is exalted in this decan, and through this card, though, currently, through this time period, Mars is compromised—within Gemini and retrograde—and will not station until the sun moves into the third decan of Capricorn… still, it is possible that these final days of retrograde, you have made—or are making—strides with streamlining that which needs managed and can now more purposefully proceed—using this time, then, as a space for further planning, further reviewing, and further preparing—to be that much more productive after the 15th of January, when Mars has finished stationing and is once more moving slowly, but directly.
Consider, too, that not much actual movement or action will occur—or be worthy of sustaining—until after the fifteenth of January, specifically because Mars will be moving through these final degrees of retrograde, as well as Mercury also moving retrograde until the 18th of January… it is almost impossible to consider gaining traction on anything, or accomplishing much.
Tarot writer TS Chang writes of this card, that it repeatedly “shows up to to mark fruitful collaborations with other people…” and that this decan “is seeking to do what cannot be done, to attain what cannot be…” and “perhaps all our ambitions and their fruits are futile, doomed to return to dust…” though, it is also suggestive toward goals, projects, or collaborations, particularly if it is remembered that “the passion and the effort are the treasure here—not just the resulting object.”
Astrologer Austin Coppock writes of the sun within this decan, that “ample light on the great plans of both oneself and others [is cast]… it might be contemplated to reveal the designs of others, or to come to clear knowledge of the heart’s ambitions.”
Much of the astrological weather throughout the month of December this year has centered in on the reassessment, reassigning, and reasserting of our personal boundaries… and furthering upon this theme, tarot writer Jessica Dore writes of the 3 of pentacles, that “as much as a boundary is a limit, it’s also a meeting place—a place where we identify and name what we can and cannot bring, and where we locate our edges in relationships with others…”
Dore examines the ‘transcendent function’ of Carl Jung, which “has to do with understanding and finding value in what can emerge when conflicting parts within us meet and clash… perhaps when a person is torn between obligation and desire, something new can emerge—a third thing that braids together what we should do and what we want to do—in making a space for that tension, what once felt like a hard knot may begin to loosen up a bit.”
Further, Dore writes, “sometimes we have to be the vessel that holds the two things patiently, waiting for that precious third thing to emerge…”
And perhaps this, too, through this solar revitalizing of the second decan of Capricorn, is what we’re being reminded to do, as we patiently wait for both Mars and Mercury to station direct—when we can finally begin making moves.
These next ten days, then, are a precious place of patience. And emergence.
Finally, through these next ten days, the sun will connect to the North Node, Chiron, a retrograded Uranus, the moon in its fullness, and to a retrograded Mercury for an inferior conjunction… here I will list them somewhat quickly, and through the month of January I will post more thorough delineations.
January 1st—will see the sun connect to the NN by trine through a degree that fully and expansively supports growth and aspirations… this is quite conveniently inspiring, and could offer you with much to think about, potentially redirecting thoughts or motivations.
January 1st—will also clarify the solar square to Chiron, through a degree that also advocates for expansion and opportunity… and could also inspire a more ‘sympathetic’ understanding toward another’s point of perspective, particularly through an emotional lens—be mindful of listening to other’s needs now.
January 5th—will (re)invigorate Uranian ideals through a degree describing ‘coming together’, particularly through “sympathy and altruism… reaching out, cushioning blows, and making the lives of others happier…” and perhaps most empowering, as it would be to your advantage “in changing your focus from accumulation to distribution, or from self-concern to compassion…”
January 6th—will offer the full moon at 16*22’ from Cancer, and will be posted through my daily lunar forecasts.
January 7th—will exhibit the inferior conjunction to Mercury Rx through a degree that forewarns ‘the bare essentials’, as in “getting down to the bare essentials, and to spiritual renewal through a communion with nature or the divine creator… [this can also inspire] a shedding of defense mechanisms and a freeing of the self [in some way]… you may decide to try something new today that you would prefer to do privately or without an audience,” with the emphasis being upon the curiosity and open-mindedness of throwing yourself into learning something new, or exploring something familiar that much more thoroughly—either of which will require you do so without the need for previous experience or understanding, or a successful result.
And finally, please allow me to remind you that this will be the last day of reading these additional posts freely—and from January 1, 2023 will require subscribing for $8/month… I thank you in advance for your support, and your respect for my time.
Chang, T. ‘36 Secrets.’ Anima Mundi Press; 2021.
Coppock, A. ‘36 Faces.’ Three Hands Press; 2014.
Dore, J. ‘Tarot for Change.’ VIKING; 2021.
Reed, T. ‘Tarot: No Questions Asked.’ Desire Books; 202.
Roche, D. ‘Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.