Personal Philosophies, In Review: Jupiter Now Rx in Aries Through Degrees 9-7*
Where Jupiter moves is where we are most inspired toward where it is we feel less than, undervalued, or without credit… so where in your life are you living beneath your potential or ability?
When Jupiter moves through Aries, this focus is shamelessly put upon our own shoulders—and upon our own volition for personal growth and change… since January you have likely been striving quite willfully toward/for something that allows you to feel that much more capable, that much more qualified, that much more powerful—that much… more.
Jupiter, when retrograde in Aries, offers the opportunity to look forward and backward to acknowledge how far you’ve come, and to reflect upon how your philosophies have changed, or how they may still require some changes, or how some may not have changed at all… taking this pause to consider next moves should be taken with trust—that where you’re going is new and unknown, and in knowing that you’ll need to prepare for such moves through your inner compass and personal values alone…
When Jupiter was stationing (from July 24-August 1), you were given the opportunity to take a pause to reflect upon these changes and personal upgrades, with the potential to realize a new or renewed meaning toward whatever changes you began considering, or philosophies you may have started pondering—ultimately, your next moves.
This pause may reverberate throughout the month, however, as Jupiter neither makes an aspect to anything or is aspected to from anything—suggesting that our inner Zeusian impulses may more naturally take advantage of the celestially fated pause… and this pause could offer many flashes of inspiration, illumination, and even something of an inner clairvoyance, as well as a much more empowered stance toward adapting to a more overall flexibly reflexive response toward both All That Is, and all the bits and pieces involved and required toward the building of your ideals.
What could you use this time to do?—to envision, to prepare, to create the foundation…
In what ways could you be more flexible toward the creation of opportunity within your reality?—particularly toward your goals and ideals…
Where within yourself have you lost touch with a deeper meaning or sense of purpose?
Where within yourself have you been less than motivated to upgrade, revise, or amp up in potential for something more…?—particularly toward your ‘best self’…
How are you managing the area of your life—or part of yourself—that continues to go overlooked or disbelieved, or remains lacking in love, attention, or a more authentic sense of meaning?
Further, this retrogradation could bless our triggers of impatience and/or innate senses of invincibility, through any attempts to balance-reorienting toward a more authentic or appropriate goal, and/or taking time to look inward and within for insights, guidance, and deeper meaning.
Jupiter will move forwardly, and then back quite slowly through the ninth degree of Aries from July 7th through August 18th; this degree associates itself to ‘looking for inner illumination or guidance; getting a glimpse of higher truths; testing one’s hypothesis; working out problems in advance through inner visualizations; following the inner light wherever it leads; clarifying one’s inner model of the world; and portentous revelations…’
Jupiter will move back through the eighth degree of Aries from August 19th through August 29th; this degree associates itself to ‘steely resolve; steadfastness of purpose; tactical maneuvers that don’t deviate from ultimate goals; struggling for ascendancy; emerging as a power; setting out bravely to meet one’s destiny (tests of courage, mastering one’s fears); inspiring others through one’s faith in the attainability of one’s goals; gaining a following by setting an example of commitment, self-sacrifice, and self-discipline; and taking full responsibility for one’s effects on others…’
Jupiter will move back through the seventh degree of Aries from August 30th to September 8th; this degree associates itself to ‘refusing to be boxed in by social expectations or assigned roles; voicing uncensured opinions; pulling the rug out from under people’s feet; waking people up to what is in front of their eyes—especially studiously ignored issues like sex, death, and power; uniting inner thoughts and desires with personal actions; and existential mindfulness…’
We are ever-more creating our tomorrows within our todays simply through our thoughts… and through what we choose to believe is true within our reality—and our ability to manifest it.
Stay tuned for the September issue of the Planetary Planner for my analysis of Jupiter’s retrograde through degrees 7-4* of Aries.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Rudyhar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; 1973.