Jupiter Rx dips back into Pisces at the end of the month—October 28th—delving back into what astrologer Dane Rudhyar described as the ‘power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer…’
This is powerful.
Are any of you visualizing?
Jupiter, mythologically Zeus, was the god of the gods—king of kings—and had dominion over all that ever was or would be… so this is to say that our personal dominion over our visualizations, over our visions, to believe and act out—this is to be in our own empowerment.
Surely, you’ve been visualizing your ideals…
This technique is ancient… and truly magical.
Just to recap—the last time Jupiter was moving through this degree of Pisces was in May of this year… as Jupiter moves back into Pisces from Aries, essentially, our inner ideals are experiencing an inner empowerment of personal will merging with the outer dimensional parameters of reality within All That Is!—this is the stuff of the Mysteries, the stuff that is never shared, or spoken… and more sadly—this is the stuff that is never savored, because this is not passed down or taught or even encouraged.
This is the stuff of the clockworks of the cosmos—and it is absolutely within your ability to orchestrate within it, to enjoy it, and to give back to it…
This is the stuff of what I call: walking your red carpet.
Is there more to it than merely visualizing? Of course; and I think this might be where folks become frustrated and give up.
I get it—not everyone wants to claim what’s already within themselves—so many people fear looking within themselves… and so many people are pleased with less, pleased with less than ideal—grateful for less than ideal… consider what organized religion has historically managed with a wicked number of people—convincing them of feeling guilt or shame for what little they do have, and more… yikes.
{Ainsi va la vie, cela dépasse l’entendement…}
Jupiter will then continue moving retrograde (backward) into the late degrees of Pisces… it’s important that you understand the depths of what you’re visualizing… and these depths are intrinsically correlated to the depths within yourself—and how deeply you’re willing to look, to confront, to command, and to take responsibility for…
This is a crucial detail toward that which you’re visualizing—reflective responsibility.
And this is an additional reason for people giving up.
Beyond the true discernment necessary for visualization, the validation of actual analysis is expanded upon, which, as Rudhyar transcribed, speaks to ‘the delicate interplay between the parts and the whole, and it alludes to the fact that changing or altering a part can affect the ability of the whole…’
Jupiter will then station to begin moving directly once more on November 24th—and from November 24-27th a most powerful influence is available, as Jupiter will be all but paused within its orbit, moving barely at all for these four days, and thereby that much more symbolically potent—upon this degree of such perplexing analytical objectivism…
Jupiter will then move back into that last degree of Pisces again on December 4th.
Jupiter will move back into Aries on December 20th.
By then your visions will likely begin to take on new awareness and understanding… as your visions emerge—be both fearless and empowered and prove your gratitude to your inner divinity through honoring your self-worth and embracing your creations.
Jupiter will move into Taurus on May 16th, 2023.
Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under the observation in life. —Marcus Aurelius