Jupiter moves into Taurus today—and now governed by Venusian motivations—from now through May 25th of 2024.
Jupiter moved into Aries on December 20th of 2022, and was motivated by Mars, which is to say that since Solstice we have been expanding, furthering, and/or otherwise evolving through growth-oriented motivations toward that which expands, furthers, or evolves ourselves, or that which does so for our own individuated purposes.
In many ways, this Jupiter in Aries transit separated us from that which was familiar—or from that which was growing stale.
Now—as Jupiter moves through Taurus—we will begin being more and more drawn to expanding, furthering, and/or otherwise evolving through growth-oriented motivations upon that which expands, furthers, or evolves our sense of personal joy, and security.
Jupiter, by law of nature and Venusian governance, will be working to expand and further that which is reasonable, practical, resourcefulness, natural, beautiful, comfortable, reliable, dependable, organic, secure, stable, sacred, feminine, sensual, crafted, bespoke, original, physical, realistic, determined, nutritious, delicious and/or enjoyable… which is to say that amazing and magical works can come not only from within, but though what you already possess—and when you find joy within the process of conjuring the magic from the material… rewards are offered, both within and beyond.
I think it is so often overlooked in astrology that Taurus is the zodiacal reservoir for joy—as in the simple and natural enjoyment that one possesses when one must do something one needs to do; this immediately eliminates any fifth house associations, etc etc.
In other words—because Taurus governs the traditional second house—do you actually enjoy what you do for a living?—or if you’re retired, with your time?
For instance, I am an astrologer, and it is my natural joy, and so I trade my time and talents, my energies and efforts, through a skill/technique I have acquired through two decades, and I apply it for those who come to me needing additional guidance in their lives, to remind them of their potentials, or to conjure from any stuck-ness, and suggest the most sufficient routes toward growth and reward.
Modernly, this is how this question would be considered—before monetary trading and exchange, bank accounts and pay checks, investments and IRA’s—we traded our most natural, god-given talents, actual physical energies, and preferred industrial capabilities toward a survival project, personal security, or a communal need, and we traded this for that, and in this way our securities were provided and value, as in personal worth, was protected, and balanced, and considered most useful, and sacred.
In other words—what is your time, energy, effort, and all other resources actually worth?
Further, through this transit I think we will be made blatantly aware of the answers to these questions… and not just through your own answers and direct experiences, but also made aware of how society might answer these questions for you, as well.
This is absolutely not a time to force anything. One simply can’t force Nature. Further, do be mindful that from now through May of next year, these overwhelming influences in Taurus could actually dramatically slow actual progress down—whether you’re trying to save money, lose weight, work on your patience, continue with an ongoing project, quit bad habits, and/or better yourself in any other way: it might be slow-going… but worth the extra—and you’d better bring it.
Again, forcing yourself in any way isn’t advised—nor is it advisably possible…
Have you ever tried forcing a cow to move?
What doesn’t flow, let it go—and be patient as you continue to work and enjoy, you will find that a flow will come, much as a current rolls as you float along a river.
Further, you may find a certain ease through this time, thanks to Venus—especially from October through mid-February, 2024.
As mentioned in the title—this post will stand as an overview—I would like to take the time to pull several additional points and observations, aspects and degrees, from this transit and further them more thoroughly, as Jupiter and Venus would wish, for your overall advantage; it’s quite the transit, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on its endless benefits…
For instance—
Jupiter will move through the first decan of Taurus until July 5th… and through the second decan from July 5th through November 5th—an extended amount of time (4 months!) due to retrograde—and then moving back through the first decan on November 6th through February 21st, 2024… Jupiter will begin its second journey into the second decan of Taurus from February 22nd through April 12th of 2024, and finally—through the third decan from April 13th through May 25th of 2024.
So you can see—this will be an additional point.
Further, as those of you who are paid subscribers know, the Taurean decans are, even when simply the sun is moving through, quite personally challenging!—this will be an observation I would like to dig deeper into, and offer more personally guided re-routing suggestions… because Jupiter will be much more challenging through these decans than the sun could ever be.
Still, these decans of Taurus are also very much about building something special… building something magical, and personal, useful, and powerful.
The first decan emphasizes productivity and construction, while the second decan emphasizes acquisitions and points of contentment, and the third decan emphasizes evaluation and the personal definitions thereof.
Right off the bat, Jupiter will hug the NN in conjunction while simultaneously squaring both Mars and Pluto!—this is an aspect pile-up I think absolutely needs some furthered delineation… and this is just the beginning.
Next, Jupiter begins to connect to Saturn, by sextile, for the first time since its conjunction in December of 2020… and this will be a big deal, ya’ll, there will be some potential to tap into here.
Jupiter will play an assisting role through the late summer between Mars and Venus, and through Venus’ upcoming retrograde…
And then—at the end of the year, once moving directly once more—there’s more. And I don’t even want to overwhelm you with Jupiter in 2024—not yet—let’s delineate it all as Taurean energies would feel most comfortably with: ever so slowly… so it really sinks in.
And of course the degrees all of these powerfully pertinent aspects will pinpoint.
In conclusion, here was just a little snippet to keep you wanting more, because you will—so stay tuned, there will be more to come, in bits and pieces… nothing forced, nothing lost.
Until then, ask yourself some questions—3 of which are bound to speak to you:
How do I measure my success?
What do I need to say but have not voiced?
Where can I be more unapologetic about what brings me joy?
What in my life am I forcing?
Where have I been forcing myself to heal faster than what feels right?
In what ways can I appreciate myself more?
What can I do with my current limitations?
Where have I been settling?
In what ways can I be kinder to myself?
What are my instincts trying to tell me?
What is my body craving?
How do I want to feel?
What long-term success am I working to create?
Where can I take responsibility for my outcome?
How is life asking me to grow right now?
image credit—@kefan404 on instagram