Tomorrow, on August 20th, Mars will ingress into Gemini—the zodiacal energies responsible for thought, speech, communications of all kinds, as well as all manners of learning, and of course, technology.
Keep in mind—it’s not Mercury moving through Gemini—it’s Mars. Very different.
Additionally, Mars will move through Gemini until March 25th, 2023, due to a retrogradation that occurs from October 30th through the twenty-fifth degree of Gemini, and back through the eighth degree, on January 13th, 2023… in other words—we will be learning Gemini-natured lessons whether we wish to or not!
Gemini-natured lessons, of course, would be anything involving thoughts, speech, words, and communications of all kinds, as well as all manners of learning, and of course, technology—particularly, lessons that involve words becoming weaponry, as will the news, and social media, and podcasts, and propaganda of all kinds… there will be lessons for everyone.
Will how we express ourselves become criminalized?
Will freedoms of speech become threatened?
Will lines of communication and social media outlets feel more aggressive?
Will technological functioning experience any abrasiveness or otherwise hazardous tone, or restrictive issues?
Will your own way of expressing and communicating yourself and your needs and desires and motivations become distracted, immature, flighty, misinformed, miscommunicated, rushed, bombarding, aggressive, exhaustive, or unreliable?
Astrologer Dane Rudhyar wrote of Mars in Gemini:
When the Gemini forces are dynamized by the planet of initiative and emotional outgoing, the power to relate and generalize impressions and experiences into concepts and personal attitudes operates with a passionate intensity-the person throws himself whole-heartedly into what he thinks; his will to make progress in the intellectual realms is sharp and determined: he makes issues out of the results of his discoveries, his thinking, his social or personal relationships-he is ready to fight for them; even if they change quickly, still what he believes at the moment is projected upon his associates with great force and fervor-he may argue violently; he may write with wit and sharpness of expression as a pamphleteer, as a propagandist... in his dealing with others he may demand the same intensity of nervous and mental response he himself is ready to give-there is a tendency to waste nervous energy and also of sex energy, because sex is a means to make deeper contacts with others and to produce experiences whose reactions upon nerves and mind are acute and stirring... what is yearned for, through [this transit] are otherwise unattainable sensations, nervous excitations, and even mental realizations...
Keep in mind—Rudhyar does not specify whether or not these thoughts or concepts, determinations, or discoveries are accurate, honest, correct, or realistic… this is quite a detail, as I’m sure we’ll discover for ourselves, throughout this Mars in Gemini transit through March.
Other descriptions of Mars in Gemini include: can pursue too many aims simultaneously; sharp-tongued; tendency to go off on too many tangents; ice-cold; cynical; creative but emotionally unreliable; the eternal adolescent; intentions are left hanging in mid-air; easily aroused, but with no staying power.
Astrologer Steven Forrest write of Mars in Gemini, that the underlying agenda through this transit, is the resolve to never “let fear silence [ones] voice…”
However, Forrest also adds that one should “resolve to discover the worthy content of [ones] voice through a commitment to wide experience and endless learning…”
I will leave it on this note—I wanted, simply, to introduce the shifting of these particularly forceful energies… and I will keep you posted throughout this transit when Mars begins slowing, and aspecting.
For now—if you are someone who is naturally flighty, flaky, and fickle—begin approaching your curiosities a bit more seriously, a touch more intentionally, and try applying the most centered inner child energy to only one, and follow it where it leads—but try to keep committed to it, and intend to actually do something with whatever it is you take on… and if you are someone who is naturally firm, forthright, and fixed—this is an opportunity for you to loosen up, and tap into your inner child and experience all the behaviors that have been scolded out of you: like messiness, tardiness, silliness, flightiness, and utter unreliability—but try to experience more of the essence of these, which is pure personal permission… and try not to let these overtake you.
With Mars transiting the first mutable sign and retrograding through this sign—it’s a major astrological clue to prepare for a new actively pursuable interest, or delving much more deeply into an interest you’ve nurtured for some time… and this interest, whatever it is for you, will likely offer you many opportunities to be more flexible.
Especially if you’ve been feeling stuck—prepare to become blown about, like a very loud rotating floor fan… or a sandstorm in the desert—the choice is yours, always.