Back on September 27th Mars, still moving directly, connected to Saturn by trine at 19*06’, while also applying its first square to Neptune.
On November 28th Mars, now retrograde, will connect to Saturn for the second time at 19*43’… this second connection, just as it likely did the first time in September, will inspire resemblances toward taking care of what needs taken care of…
In September, you were probably provided with a celestial ‘first warning’ of sorts, alerting you to something which was requiring your focus or attention.
Now, however—you should be moving forward with whatever it was requiring your attention—you should be taking next steps.
It is possible that you may have too many choices, or several alternatives might be available to you, creating an indecision…
It is at this time that you’ll need to make a decision—that you’ll need to trust that you know what you need… and allow all the other options to fall away.
You likely have all that you need in terms of resources—you may just not think so—and it may actually be a circumstance that evolves somewhat around the ‘idea’ of something, or the creation of something, the exploring of something, or the shifting of something.
Additionally, any of life’s ‘extras’ are just that: extra… and largely unnecessary. You have what you need.
“There are people who so arrange their lives as to only feed themselves on side dishes…”
—Jose Ortega y Gassett
As this is a retrogradation—Mars and Saturn will connect a third and final time, however, this will not occur until March 30th, 2023, and this third union will occur through entirely different energies: Mars will be in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces… they will meet at 2*36’… more on this in March.