Mars, while moving in Gemini, will make three aspects to Neptune by square—due to Mars’ retrograde through Gemini—these are as follows:
October 11th, then on November 19th, and the third and final on March 14th, 2023…
If Mars in Gemini signals to many of you things like ‘words as weapons’, or aggressive verbal disputes, dialogues, or debates, or to collective notions like cancel-culture… particularly when square to Neptune—these rather simple notions become quite murky in meaning, and fuzzy with the fictitiousness or factuality of it all… the boundaries begin to blur to a point of besmearing.
Mars/Neptune squares can manifest as mighty personal/collective purposes—but without goals; actions versus dreams; perpetrator versus victim; fighting without weapons; conquering by yielding; dissolving aggressions; or striving for what is boundless… all of which harbor a distinguished sort of frustration about them.
Let’s keep in mind, still, too—that Gemini is associated to anything stemming from either transportation or technology… and when Mars is involved with these: road rage, traffic jams, gridlock, as well as nasty cyber criminality and/or aggressive hacking.
Let's delineate these squares, shall we?!
The first blur befalls on October 11th through a degree that describes ‘evasion; testing the boundaries; considering consequences; testing the waters…’ though some astrologers convey this degree as ‘fun’.
Either way, both the accent and focus fall upon caution.
Prepare and expect the unexpected—particularly when it comes to communicating or exchanging, striving or idealizing… and, of course, with matters that fall under the sector of your chart that both Gemini and Pisces govern, as well as whichever house Mars rules—pressing your luck may not be wise.
It’s important, now, to observe your own being-ness—in particular, your own center of gravity… Mars severs and slices to divide while Neptune is both whole and vacuous, and either way, absolutely boundariless—you’ll need to understand where you fit into within all of this.
Ultimately, whatever your circumstance may be: are you doing the right thing?—are you doing what’s best for the circumstance?—are you communicating your needs appropriately and clearly, or are these becoming misunderstood?
The second blur occurs on November 19th through a degree that concerns itself with ‘teaching’… and so this degree teaches, then, through ‘discovering a whole new sense of being…’ and associates itself with ‘the battle for survival.’
Elevation is also associated, as whatever the awareness or ‘lesson’ of this degree bespeaks is likely to offer such a reactionary upgrade in consciousness…
However, I cannot help but wonder what kind of awareness is on offer with Neptune so inharmoniously involved? There is no clarity with Neptune—only obscurity.
Today may be filled, then, with much in terms of aspiration, inspiration, creativity, and breaking through boundaries—as this is a degree that is titled ‘three fledglings in a nest high in a tree…’ and through the essence of this degree—the fledglings try to fly… and they do!
Which is to say, then—if something isn’t working for you in your current reality, come November 19th, then it is time to try doing it another way.
Or, more literally—if you’re feeling ‘stuck in your ways’… November 19th could be an ideal time to pivot.
But look ahead first, before giving it a go!!!—because when Mars squares Neptune, our instinctive motivations tend to be either inappropriately aligned or otherwise deceiving in some way, and the conclusive result becomes elusive, impossible, or unrealistic.
MARCH 14th, 2023—
The third and final squaring blur occurs through a degree that is associated with ‘temporary setback’, and those associated with ‘transitions and realignments, or any process of transformation when ‘the old’ gives way to the new…’
Interruptions are likely now—particularly if you’re trying to get something accomplished… ‘things may be canceled or delayed—also signaling a moment of wonder and a time for appreciating the magic and splendor…’
There’s a resounding vibration toward ‘the significance of interruptions, temporary loss or delay, and the upsetting of plans or the smooth flow of things…’ and there will likely be a profound emphasis to be experienced toward the ‘principles of priority’, as well as putting one foot in front of the other each step of the way.
With Neptune—there’s always a hidden or underlying meaning…
So what’s the meaning of this delay? What’s the underlying symbolism of this interruption?—these will likely keep you busy for a while… while you wait.
Also, with Mars—where’s the opportunity? Try not to be impatient…
Everything changes, this is a cycle of life—where’s the next opportunity within these new changes?
What do you need to do to get yourself on top?—or to sustain already being on top?
I will post again for the second square, and particularly the third as this square is so far into the future it will likely need redefined, near the timing of when they occur—but for now: be aware for Tuesday—for the first square/blur—though Tuesday also features a sun/Saturn trine, through which may support whatever decision or choice you need to make, as the degree through which this trine occurs speaks to “your freedom to choose the manner in which [you] will satisfy [your] desires or obtain what [you] want, even though that choice may… cross boundaries…”
Banzhaf, H. & A.Haebler. ‘Key Words for Astrology.’ Weiser Books; 1996.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandela.’ Vintage Books; 1973.