Something potentially disruptive or aggressively unwelcome within your reality—specifically, Mars in Gemini—is offering you the opportunity to modify and perfect a successful method toward the navigation of your everyday, though more strategically, toward that which is potentially disruptive or aggressively unwelcome, or otherwise untowardly received.
Yes… Mars, moving through Gemini, in whatever way this is manifesting within your everyday, has likely managed to make rather reprehensible remarks or even rallied in reactionary roles beyond what you know how to respond to by this point: either of which, provoking you—or, as I rephrased just this last week in a reading—motivating you to deal with something you likely do not wish to deal with.
After all, when Life gives you lemons—you slice them… that’s what Mars would do.
Truly, Gemini associates itself quite quaintly with wordplay, the mouth, language… and so it’s a given that you may not only choose, yourself, to speak more loudly, abrasively, aggressively, or even nastily—but you will also be open to receiving these vernacular impulses from others…
Still—however Mars manifests through Gemini for you… it may involve something much more than mere words. Gemini energies operate within thoughts, within the limitlessness of the mind… within the very concepts of anything between why we’re here within the vastness of the universe at all to how you prefer your coffee, to the vibrations of humanity, to the solution for any mathematical problem, to the complexities of the tastebuds of canines, to the patterns of spiders, to why you communicate with yourself the way you do… in fact, it is through the swiftness go Gemini that gets one to think of any of those things in any sequence at all—from one thing, to the next, to the next, and to whatever emerges after that…
What has become complacent within your reality?
What has become somewhat boundaried within your reality?
What has become stagnant, or even regressed within your reality?
Gemini has little curiosity for repetition—and so, it would stand to reason that Mars quite particularly, and rather aggressively, dislikes mundanity much the same… and is willing to throw a fit or cause an uproar over it; Mars is willing to motivate/provoke you to make a move.
Mars moves, it’s what Mars does… Mars makes moves. It matters not the repercussions of these moves—as long as movement is accomplished. Mars is moving through whatever sector of your life that Gemini governs specifically in an effort to jumpstart it, move it around, and/or drive a component of it in forward motion.
Gemini energies like to move. And move, and move, and move some more… typically in an effort to avoid move beyond or around repercussions. It’s simply the experience to be had within the movement that Gemini seeks—lessons are learned through the doing, as looking back to repent on anything isn’t likely, simply because looking back isn’t anything that holds Gemini energies interest… it’s always on to the next, and the next—onto the next experience.
However, through this Mars/Gemini retrograde—there are actual lessons to be learned, and accounted for…
Mars is currently moving directly through Gemini, and will exact its first of three aspects (by trine) to Saturn on September 27th at 19*06’… a degree that cautions you with your choices—something Gemini needs: choices; Gemini thrives on choices and seems to create more and more of them in reaction to anything that corners, and this could very well be a challenge for you: a limitation or division of choices.
However—there is only one choice/decision that is needed now.
What is to be either practiced here, or challenged—or both—is your ability or need to discern… as well as any penchant for versatility—though this will be much easier for some and quite tricky for others…
Keep in mind, too—a typical Mars/Saturn trine influences patience (!!!) and a determined willingness to deal with difficulty… it’s perhaps one of the most useful motivations for Mars. Particularly when a Mars/Saturn trine is building, there tends to be a very impulsive, erratic, irrational and/or dramatic outburst of sorts that occurs—an outburst that then requires dealt with.
Again—a choice/decision will be necessary.
However this Mars/Saturn trine manifests for you within your reality—you will undoubtedly gain much personal strength and integrity, as well as a better understanding toward exactly what you are capable of, and toward precisely what you will no longer challenge yourself with or be provoked by…
The degree through which this first exacted aspect occurs—on September 27th—also conveys the assurance that you have everything you need, that what’s actually needed essentially is to make a choice… (though I realize this may be easier said than done.)
Should your ability to discern wisely, and appropriately, between what is good and useful and conducive to all involved, and that which is bad, and useless, and destructive—as this is all your choice need be based upon—everything beyond your choice will fall into place.
Now. This is Now.
Between Now and November 28—the second exacting between Mars and Saturn, through the same degree—this same challenge/opportunity toward discernment and choice will be offered once more… just to see if you really understand what it is you’re dealing with.
Will you be who you used to be?—between Now and November—at your core…
Will you respond/react in the same way?—why or why not?
These will be questions you will need to be taking inwardly for yourself…
The point, of course, is to have made a change.
It would behoove me to inform you (as Mercury moves retrograde through Virgo—so details are absolutely everything, and we will be held to them…) that through this second exacting aspect in November: Mars will be retrograde and Saturn will be moving directly (in September, Saturn was moving retrograde) and this would thereby rearrange the dynamics somewhat, if not exponentially.
So allow me to backtrack—
But first, allow me to interject that between the first and second trine—Mars will apply aspect to Mercury Rx, though it will never exact or come to anything… or will it? Likely you will learn something new or become privy to something that was previously unknown or unknowable…
So, to backtrack in review—on September 27th—when Mars is moving direct and Saturn is retrograde, the choice needing to be made might be made a bit more haphazardly, albeit naturally, particularly if you are navigating something entirely new to you… and you’ll discern your surroundings in the only way you know how: previous experience or something you’ve read, or watched, or heard about yada yada… or through reactive impulse.
Then, on November 28th—when Mars is retrograde and Saturn is moving directly, the opportunity to revise or correct or further inform yourself will become that much more of a learning curve affair toward self-improvement or even mastery… not as impulsive or instinctive or reactive—but more matured (hopefully), and more about what the eventual outcome could potentially be (by March), toward what you’re actually learning through all of whatever it is for you, and therefore: simply, what needs to be done in an effort to gain as much out of the experience as possible—particularly if the experience has been more than trying and/or taxing…
And finally, on March 30th, 2023—the third exacting of this aspect between Mars and Saturn at 2*36’: both are moving directly… but they’ve both ingressed into the next sign: Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces!!!—and this offers an entirely new landscape through which to understand these previous dynamics.
But that’s another post… stay tuned!
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.