I’ve already written somewhat exhaustively about Mercury’s movements though this retrograde phase, which can be found here… however, as Mercury stations retrograde on Thursday, September 8th—I weirdly failed to delineate the degree through which Mercury stations, which tends to set something of a tone over the entirety of the retrograde theme…
This degree of Libra speaks of self-integration… and ‘to man’s capacity to understand his world and the universe through his own personal experience—the suggestion here is that the fulfillment of all individual potential is achieved through effective self-integration or the harmonious blending and cooperative functioning of the mind, body, and spirit…’
This degree very much embodies the past, as well as Source, and roots…
This degree centers heavily upon ‘learning how to get along with others and solve our own problems…’ and this ever-se celestially conveniently coincides with Mars newly moving through Gemini in an ever-anxious attempt to motivate us to think for ourselves as we become ever-more divided and opposed.
Interestingly, the next degree beyond this stationing point—through which Mercury will pass on October 17th—is associated with ‘surviving crisis’, and so this should imply as much just how crucially this theme is suggesting we take it… and please understand that I am in no way trying to induce fear—I am coming from a place of preparedness and pre-planning, which is precisely what astrology is to be used for.
Referring back to the stationing degree at hand—new realizations about understanding ordinary ‘truths’ in a new way in an effort to discover new values is largely being challenged and disordered here… to go deeper into whatever this current retrograde is manifesting for you, specifically in search of solutions—and the solution may very well be discovered within concepts of mind, body, and spirit…
I should also speak a little about Mercury in the sign of Libra… when Mercury is in Libra we tend to think a lot—and I mean a lot—about what others think of us, whether they’ll like something, or dislike it, and whether or not we prefer this, or not, particularly depending on whether or not they might, or do, or won’t, or don’t, and on and on and on and on… the infamous Libran indecision catches Mercury up every time. The fact that Mercury will station retrograde in Libra, only to move back into Virgo, implies that there are Virgoan matters remaining undone—which Virgoan energies simply cannot handle: something needing done not getting done… though, this would also suggest—the indecision—that whatever remains undone is being subjected to some decision-making before ‘completion’ or ‘centeredness’ can be achieved.
In Libra, Mercury is ruled by Venus, and Venus is currently moving through infamously nit-picky perfectionistic Virgo, which only doubly frustrates a Libran demand for naturally ordered perfection… Mercury struggles here in general—particularly this time through. Perhaps there’s something, even the simplest detail, within whatever you’ve been working toward—be it an idea, and ideal, or a personal need—perhaps this detail possesses a smidge of ‘imperfection’, or imbalance to your natural centeredness or preference, or otherwise complicated process… and this is what is creating the fuss. It could truly be that simple here. Further, in this scenario, you would be on a mission to balance out the imperfection. Or regain a centeredness. Whatever that means for you.
A change of perspective, ultimately, is what is necessary when Mercury moves through Libra—and in this instance, to take back into Virgoan disorder so that you may apply order.
Perhaps using Mercury in Libra’s vulnerability—inability to decide without an/Other’s approval—to your advantage? Maybe you could use this time sharing with others your dilemma, or drama, and ask for their feedback—or, perhaps more significantly, their perspective or motivation or intentions, particularly if there is an imbalance or conflict occurring… from now until September 22nd will be the prime time for this, and then Mercury will move back into Virgo—for which you could utilize that time to begin applying some of what you’ve learned, improving and refining, adjusting or readjusting, and (re)ordering what is, or has become, disordered. Because in Virgo, Mercury finally discovers facts—and will likely have some by October 4th—not mere opinions, misinformation, or preferences, or socially-fueled heresy…
But remember—most importantly—these retrograde-charged energies are all about inspiring you to think for yourself, and to solve your own problems, dilemmas, and dramas… and to find or regain your own inner balance and centeredness—for yourself—through new ways of viewing your own reality… to possess a renewed and reordered perspective toward that which you consider your own motivations.
Remember, too, however, that it is on September 22nd that Mercury meets the sun in inferior conjunction at the zero point degree of Libra, just before moving back into Virgo, and this would suggest, then, that something of a pause, or ‘suspension in time’, or ‘transfiguration’ is occurring—something is indeed changing—however quite painfully slowly… but Virgoan energies prefer slow—this way no detail is overlooked.
As I mentioned above, too, that this particular degree associates itself with the past, with Source, and with roots—this could suggest, here, that whatever is feeling disordered or imbalanced may need to be considered both through a lens that reflects your past, as well as a lens that reflects the future; which is to suggest—considering that which you know to be true from actual experience, and that which you presume to be potentially possible.
In the Mercury post I’ve previously written, and linked for you above, I mention that there are BIG IDEAS that are being seeded within the everyday at a more sporadic pace… and I ponder if it is these big ideas needing refined—and this may very well be—though this is a post specifically delineating the stationing degree, not by aspect… and if anything—you may be needing to refine the BIG IDEAS toward your own personal ideals, and adjust where necessary so that you may begin living your ideals. In which case, the Libran indecision, for you, may represent an inability to see eye-to-eye with someone about a particular ideal, with compromise being out of the question for whatever reason…
In which case, you’ll need to decide—which is more valuable to you: an/Other(‘s ideals/opinions/preferences), or your own personal ideals… and either way you decide—how will you go about putting order to this disorder?
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Kaldera, R. ‘Myth Astrology.’ Llewellyn; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.