This is one of the more hopeful aspects I’ve delineated throughout this Mercurial retrogradation…
On this upcoming Sunday, on September 18th, Mercury Rx opposes Jupiter Rx at 4*44’ Libra, a degree that describes ‘the fact that nothing can destroy genuine inspiration, and that deeper insights can be communicated to others only as individuals reach out to their fellows and share common responsibilities in the practical and everyday world…’
Again, again—these Mercurial lessons pinpoint the importances of self-integration.
And these self-integrations, opposite Jupiter, imply a dramatized exaggeration toward thoughts, communications, and everyday-type navigations…
Like—way exaggerated. How often do you actually, legitimately feel invigorated with inspiration, surging through your entire being…? Honestly.
This is one of those few days, though. Be aware. Read things that might sway you—listen to music that moves you… share your personal space with those who you are in awe of, be it in actual, physical space or via podcast…
In the most highest vibrations of these energies, and this degree, you would attune yourself to new awarenesses, awarenesses to your own uniqueness—the accent here is ‘on enlightenment…’ and ‘your greatest advantage lies in listening carefully to what you hear and giving more credence to actions than words.’
However, it’s important to remember to not ‘get too carried away with your own sense of importance… you can’t possibly know what is best for someone else…’ still, you very well may receive sparks of inspiration or revelation through the insights of an/Other…
On the 18th, the moon will illuminate this opposition through a lunarly t-square from the sign of Cancer—a sign that instinctively knows how to nurture that which one is immersed within… and what a blessing to be immersed within such inspiring visions!
Some of the Mercury in Libra questions of indecision that may be circumstantially inspired today—
Does everyone involved have the appropriate mindset?—and the ‘ears to listen to what’s being taught’?
Is the ‘inspiration’ radiating a pure sense of integrity?
What are your thoughts about these new inspirations and the lessons these inspirations are offering you?
What still needs to be learned?—particularly upon an inner level…
What can you share with others regarding what you’ve learned, and what you’ve been inspired by?
“Why does Life keep teaching me lessons I have no desire to learn?
—Ashleigh Brilliant
Ultimately, today’s energies regard ‘paying heed to one’s internal conversation until one finds an explanation that intuitively clicks…’
May you utilize these inspirations most responsibly and insightfully.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Rocher, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.