So yea…
That sun, right?!
The Leo sun is currently in movement into what we understand to be a grand cross alignment of aspectual fixity—a cross that involves the likes of tomorrow’s full moon in Aquarius, conjunct Saturn… square the Taurean stellium, regarding Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, and then there’s the South Node in Scorpio… no big deal at all. Go ahead with whatever you were doing—nothing to see here…
Particularly if you are living with any personal fixity whatsoever within your nativity—yikes! I can’t even imagine… though I can—it’s what astrologers do.
So. Let’s get into it, yea?
To regard the sun’s perspective through this experience is, indeed, bold, as it is boldness, quite rightly, that the sun regards… as well as our ego, our sense of confidence, our gumption, and our moxie—these are solar notions. And, in Leo—well, of course, we’re all enjoying the experience of moxie through these influences, whether we have this by birthright or not; zodiacal energies influences—it’s what they do.
The sun is moving into the nineteenth degree of Leo to experience this grand cross in its most piqued moments… through the moments that Venus moves into Leo, as the moon moves closer into alignment with its most fullest opposition to the sun, in conjunction with Saturn… as a most direct square to Uranus exacts.
If the moon influences our mood toward what is being experienced, celestially—the sun influences our inner motivations and outer awareness… and so through the nineteenth degree of Leo, the sun motivates “life as a glamorous and exciting adventure…”
Because Life, itself, is Change. A constant cycle of ever-evolving change…
There’s this song that I’ve always adored—and it reminds me of this moment:
“Had to have high, high hopes for a living…
shooting for the stars when I couldn’t make a killing
didn’t have a dime but I always had a vision…
always had high, high hopes…
always had high, high hopes
didn’t know how but I always had a feeling…
I was gonna be that one-in-a-million
—always had high, high hopes…”
by Panic! at the Disco. (High Hopes; 2018)
There is more of a personableness now than there has been… more warmheartedness.
Astrologer Dane Rudhyar titled this degree as ‘A Houseboat Party Crowded with Revelers; the Water Reflected Its Lights’, with a keynote of ‘the enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidity structured social behaviors…’ and if this visual/title should need more delineation—I would argue that this degree describes a crowd of individuals enjoying themselves for who they genuinely are, should they dare…
There’s an unorthodoxy about this moment.
And to think—a houseboat is a vessel floating around in open water, and should you not be surrounded by those you care for, admire, or have anything in common with… ugh; you are stuck… however… as Rudhyar describes it—somehow, through this degree: you manage; you trust this space… you take advantage.
Try to enjoy these changes you need to make within your reality…
Try to keep track of where you’re going within your reality—because your reactions and responses matter more than you could ever imagine these days. It is really important to grasp the larger landscape of your reality now—the bigger picture, which September will absolutely hone in on… in an effort to improve upon, of course, and better understand—and this will be to your benefit.
But first—this courageous moment is upon you… don’t miss out.
Be the You that the inner you is needing you to be out loud.