The messages I referred to last week—particularly through the full moon in Aquarius on the 11th—were likely quite heavy for many of you… in fact, I can’t possibly imagine anyone coming through entirely unscathed from the discomforts, inconveniences, or simple disruption of new information—or through the learning of something you’re unable to unlearn.
When I refer to this as ‘heavy’ here I mean to imply that reality-check weighted-ness of Saturn’s influences…
It was just yesterday, August 14th, that the sun exacted its opposition to Saturn—and so the buildup was being prepared all week last week, and from here and through this week we’ll experience the aftermath of its separation… astrologically, this seemingly simple opposition is actually not so simple at all—but much more weighted than what it may appear to be at surface-value… as this opposition actually holds the weight of our next moves.
For those of you who have taken on heavier responsibilities—you are feeling this, and likely didn’t need reminded… those of you wandering, lacking any real stability or security—you are not immune to these pressures by any means.
This is an incredible turning point in the year.
Real change is actually possible.
Whatever you learned through last week, upon the full moon, or though this weekend—be it through messages, in conversation, through the news, or literally through a carrier pigeon—you’re realizing now how to more appropriately respond within your personal reality toward whatever new adjustments are needing to occur… these adjustments, of course, in regard to whatever new realizations of potentiality you’re now taking in like you’ve never before taken in—as you’re emerging into a higher consciousness, toward a new way, with a new outlook, upon a brand new landscape.
Despite the future potentially looking so bright…
The shades required for this view are not rose-colored—but are quite harshly adroit toward the reality-check specifics through which various discomforts, inconveniences, and ‘simple’ disruptions need be navigated enroute your ‘bigger picture’ ideals… not to mention—how all of these new realizations will be fitting into the very tightly organized compartments of your already-structured life…
That which has recently been realized—and thereby emerging into one’s newly higher consciousness—is being given space to breathe, light to see the way, and a cosmic collaborative toward that which needs a little more… all of which can be experienced as uncomfortable, inconvenient, or disruptive within a day-to-day routine—particularly because what is being cosmically connected is not yours, necessarily, but will come through you, to be utilized, enjoyed, or nurtured through the collective at large.
These new realizations and potentialities will require one’s personal centering—one’s own alignment—in order to gain any grasp of what it is one’s actually working with…
In other words, you may not yet fully understand what is possible.
Your action is being summoned… but for what?—you’ll understand this soon.
Don’t rush this divinely ordered and heavily orchestrated symphony of potential.