What cycles within your reality, conditioning, or familial structures are you stumbling through—or are oblivious to—that inflict pain, doubt, shame, or discomfort?
Do you continue navigating these cycles?—why?
How might you work to unlearn these pain-inflicting cycles of potentially reflective self-sabotage?
On October 7th—the sun will oppose Chiron through a degree that emphasizes cycles, and repetition, circling around and around and coming full circle, as well as finishing what you start… because it is an opposition with Chiron—the wounded healer—the sun’s light may highlight something that hurts, causes (you) pain, or otherwise provokes that which would rather remain hidden, forgotten, or buried.
Whatever it is within your reality that is associated with, or representing Chiron—would rather you actively participate with the pain, sorrow, hurt, or underlying wound.
Not repeatedly.
More like a final confrontation.
Or—today could present you with a very eerily similar experience through which you’ve already previously endured, one which was either painful or something you’d rather forget or bury.
Again—confronting this assumed cycle, or even if this should be the first—taking care of it immediately, even if you want to hide away and lick your wounds… as the sun is moving through Libra, highlighting this, it is essential to claim your self-worth, to state your feelings toward the matter, and perhaps more importantly—to announce your boundaries, otherwise, for example, and how these have been trespassed, or whatever the circumstance is calling for.
Finally, once you’ve gained your grounding, and some privacy—reflect…
What has this experience reminded you about yourself?
What has this experience taught you about yourself?
What has this experience provoked within you?
Is there a behavior that you utilize that isn’t working (anymore)?
Is there a new, more evolved behavior that might be more useful for you?
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.