The sun has moved into Virgo, symbolically marking the seasonal shift into late summer—in preparation for the autumn, and the upcoming autumnal equinox…
To prepare for autumn, which—in the Northern Hemisphere—is equivalent to cooler temperatures, the slow shrinkage of daylight hours and the ever-encroaching longer, darker nights, and the annual return to the more subtle symbolisms of seasonal dissemination—much like the lunar phase—through which we begin preparing, moderating, tempering, and (re)connecting… there is still much to do—however, inevitably, some self-care is recommended, if not outrightly required or demanded.
It’s a time of self-nurturing… as through the summer months we tend to lose focus with either too many things to do, or simply too much to do toward one endeavor.
From now through the rest of August, the tensions should be somewhat high—despite the sun moving from the more emotionally-charged energies of Leo to the much more solution-focused vibrations of Virgo—particularly because the sun will be moving forward through the initial degrees of Virgo while simultaneously applying a square to Mars in Gemini, only building these tensions along the way…
When this square exacts itself, on August 26th, it will be through the fourth degree of Virgo/Gemini, a degree which describes ‘overcoming’… in a way which associates more to the overcoming of that which is beyond you, or that which is dissimilar to you… or that which depletes you.
In fact, “the situation facing you may have a lot of seemingly opposite elements, but this is probably only an illusion or social perception…”
These initial solar degrees through Virgo—as they’re somewhat encumbered with the tensions of a square with Mars, regardless of the degree, suggest quite strongly, through this time between now and even beyond the end of the month… until the equinox—refer, as they do, to preparations, tempering, and reconnecting… and also, perhaps most particularly to inner healing. And because this exact degree occurs when it does, this, then, would suggest that one of the ways you might find helping toward preparations, tempering, reconnecting, and healing—could be through ‘knocking down social barriers to relate freely… being able to let go, relax and have fun with people…’ though, you’d be surprised by how difficult this can be for some.
Additionally, ‘creating a new plan; allowing a new creation to emerge organically from the collective conscious; recognizing and nurturing one’s own and other people’s surprising potentials; and an openness to new ideas…’ it is fortunate that both Virgo and Gemini are elementally mutable by nature—and thereby quite curious, and flexible with changes and newness…
Further still, another translation of this degree’s transcriptions describes ‘intimacy, and integration, cooperations, and the valuing of differences rather than attempting to artificially blur the lines of distinction or sacrifice individuality in order to achieve a surface harmony…’ and so this would suggest that healing could be achieved through the ‘finding of ways to adjust to unfamiliar situations, and to people whose ideas may be different from yours—without suppressing your own identity in the process…’
Learning how to be proud of who you are—without apology—may be something of a focus from now through the end of the month… until the equinox.
On August 27th, the sun and moon will connect in conjunction for the Virgo new moon through the fifth degree—and you’ll receive this post upon the day via Moon Moods, and the day before if you subscribe… be well, friends—and make good choices.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; 1974.