On the day of the total lunar eclipse in Taurus, mere hours thereafter, Mercury catches up to the sun through a degree that describes ‘independence and creativity…’
Through the energies of this degree, “you could be feeling that it’s time to take charge of your life or take matters into your own hands… your greatest advantage lies in doing what you feel is best for yourself—to decide what you want to achieve and start gathering what you need to do it.”
Though there is a willfulness occurring through this eclipse, absolutely—and it sparks the sun/Mercury conjunction extraordinarily…
And so, this willfulness could go either way—it could also be procured at the expense of such extreme independence, that you may fail to accept assistances or supports that could bolster your initial efforts exponentially.
This is a degree that is often associated with DIY, sourced from more elaborately underlying needs toward severe, often unchosen reasons for such self-sufficiency… you may want to ask yourself if you’re navigating a circumstance where others are not being invited or welcomed to share or be included in your life, intentionally—as you may have become too ensconced with whatever project or goal or ideal you’ve been working toward… or, because with as many personal planets as there are transiting Scorpio these days—there’s an instinctively strong tendency to keep cards much closer to the chest, as they say.
However, still—how are you handling the everything-ness of it all?
It is universally advised—to put your unique energies and efforts together with an/Other’s unique energies and efforts—that this is the stuff of magic… and divinity—this is the source of creation.
Through this degree, this degree through which Mercury meets up again with the sun for its superior conjunction—thus beginning again a new sun/Mercury cycle occurring simultaneously to the endings and beginnings the total lunar eclipse inevitably maneuvers—one may be inspired to “look squarely at an evil that is close at hand; fight one’s inner demons; dabble in psychoanalysis—talking out one’s inner struggles; purify one’s will and desires; contain evil forces; work on society from within; carefully examine a problem; and listen with the heart…”
There is a courage to face life… strategically. But face it, nevertheless.
And it is likely that, through this new realization toward creation and intentional magic—your values and overall spirit, too, will also be (re)sparked through this eclipse/superior conjunction dynamic… it’s fine enough to hold these cards of yours closer to your chest for now, as this is a major part of the overall transformation you’re currently within the midst thereof—but be ready to actually show, if not play your cards and make some real moves by the end of the month, if not within the week…
Close to the chest, be damned.
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.