Saturn, still moving retrograde in Aquarius, continues to move back toward the larger orb of Uranus, also retrograde, in Taurus—continuing a final last-ditch effort square, which never again exacts itself, but comes as close as a degree in difference… and, for these two planets—that’s quite enough to feel.
It is through this month of October that this last-ditch square becomes its strongest (yea, I know—you likely figured August was pretty strong, and it was, though the last week of August was when its building strength began accumulating by degree…) because these two will come the closest since they were last December, which was the third and final exact square.
Just think: after this month, after the pressure begins to lighten even just a smidge with each day—how will you know where to focus your energies?!
In my last post regarding this square, I delineated the degree through which this square was being pinched—that degree of indomitability… and through Aquarius, I delineated that Saturn is holding us responsible and accountable, particularly in regard to the ‘skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potentials of carelessness…’ in other words—to get a handle over ourselves, to get a serious reality-check grip—particularly in regard to our egos, our vulnerabilities, and our sensitivities (and this will definitely be a wake-up call toward many who are so ‘woke’ when Saturn moves into Pisces next year, yikes—a post for another day...)
In many ways we are being given a ‘last chance’ to ‘right any wrongs’, and to ultimately rise to the occasion of our lives—for our own future growth—to rise to the occasion of our lives despite our egos, despite our vulnerabilities, despite/or in spite of our sensitivities… rising to the occasion of our lives even though there’s anxieties, traumas, confusions, insensitivities, inequalities, or depressive realities—this is our warning call: to rise to the occasion anyway.
We are ‘creating and living into a personal myth…’ requiring a ‘jaunty confidence in one’s ability to handle any situation, no matter how dangerous…’ and ‘changing reality according to what one visualizes as true…’
This is where we are—and this is what will begin feeling more and more pressurized if we’re not.
Keep in mind, too, that this Saturn/Uranus tightening will peak at the same time as the Scorpio eclipse occurs… these are absolutely conclusively finalizing chapters—one really can’t make this up.
What does Saturn provide?—structural foundations, and boundaries… and warnings.
With Saturn, always always: prevention; planning; practice; performance.
When Saturnian warnings are appropriately received?—with assessment; response; management; resolution; recovery.
Which phase are you currently navigating? (hopefully Resolution or Recovery, yes?)
Wherever Saturn is within the chart—natally, or transiting—is where we tend to become stuck, even impotent, critically pressured, harshly judged or bombarded…
Whatever else remains to be revealed?
Again, it’s so important to understand where in your personal chart the Saturn/Uranus energy is tightening… and if it’s aspecting onto any of your personal planets… it’s likely the sectors of your life, since last year, that have been needing to cooperate together—and have likely struggled through this necessary cooperation back and forth, again and again, over and over again… it’s likely within the sector of your life you have experienced much exhaustion.
If you have tried to work with these opposing or somewhat perpendicular components within your life—if you have tried to participate in the necessary cooperation—you have likely earned yourself something valuable in exchange, if even only the luxury of forward movement… and it is likely, as well, that circumstances will begin to feel somewhat undaunted once more (by the end of the year)…
Though still—something will be changed.
And likely—something will be revealed.
It’s highly likely—if you are rising to your occasion—that you will come out of the experience with a new sense of commitment or a new understanding of consequences…
This particular degree is one which speaks of ‘rising to the occasion’, specifically toward resolution after an emergency or crisis—keeping in mind that the Saturn/Uranus squares were the major background theme of 2021—and so you might ask yourself today, and through this month, and reflectively back through this entire year:
Am I now capable of efficiently and effectively navigating myself under crisis and pressure?
Further, have I gotten everything under control—specifically within the sectors of my life experiencing this square?… where am I cooperating?—where am I resisting?
And perhaps most essentially—what personal qualities within myself emerged through last year and this year, through this unraveling process of crisis and resolve?—and how have I embraced these qualities within my everyday in other, more manageable ways?
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Rocher, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandela.’ Vintage Books; 1973.