Solar Spotlights
Winter Is Coming…
Sun in Sagittarius, Capricorn
When the sun is in Sagittarius it always feels sort of a boon, this time of year—particularly for those of us who do not enjoy the season of winter, or freezing temperatures—the cheer and joy of the spirit and the inner warmth of potentials that Jupiterian-laced energies possess… these are to be explored, and trusted, when the sun moves through Sagittarius.
This year, the sun, while in Sagittarius, will connect to Chiron, by trine, to Mars by opposition, and to Neptune by square… and we may very well receive these additional boons, of one sort or another, to distract us of potentially chilly vibrations otherwise, weather-wise—for those of us living within the northern hemisphere.
The sun will connect to Chiron on December 3rd through a degree that associates itself with forgiveness, while the opposition to Mars Rx on December 7th will occur through a degree that describes ‘celebration and renewal’, and the square to Neptune, on December 13th, occurs through a degree that encourages beginning something new, ‘closing the door to the past and opening wide the gateway to the future…’
Once in Capricorn, the sun will the square Jupiter—now back in Aries—upon a degree that speaks of confrontation and inflexibility… and then the sun will begin applying a square to Chiron, to be exact on January 2nd, though this time through a degree that appears to assure a clarification…
As the chill of winter tends to be—this year’s entrance into the darkest season may very well be somewhat penetrating in more personal ways… unless you manage to protect some of that Jupiterian-laced energy within—the inner warmth, and joy—as this is something one must learn to manage, indeed.
The Monthly Moon
Moon Phase Planning
The Moon Through December
On December 7th the moon opposes the sun for the full moon in Gemini at 16*02’, which is a degree that describes maturity, and preparedness—and warns of the repercussions of being caught unprepared.
On December 16th, the LQ moon at 24*22’ Virgo continues this theme, as this degree is associated with living up to your ideals… something one must be quite prepared for.
On December 23rd, the new moon at 1*33’ Capricorn continues this theme further still, and perhaps raises it—as this degree is one of commemoration; through this lunar event we could be reminded quite starkly of painful periods of our past—particularly low periods survived—just in time for an ever-traditional holiday ritual.
The 24th and 25th sees the moon applying, then exacting, a square to the Nodes, suggesting that there may be some additional struggle, or challenge, particularly within relationships—this could also suggest obstacles and upset, even disappointment, with feelings/emotions and/or overall expectations or anticipations.
And on December 29th the 1st Q moon at 8*18’ Aries finalizes this now-somewhat cramping theme in preparedness—though this time the perspective is upon a need for specific information: information which may be useful to you… you guessed it—in the future.
And on New Year’s Eve, minutes before the clock strikes—here on the west coast—the moon is approaching the eighth degree of Taurus, a degree that is associated to sustainment; nevertheless, this degree describes ‘having faith that anything is possible and refusing to fall victim to the idea that everything is contingent on the happening of some prior event, or that there is only one way to get a job done…’
There is a magical frequency within the air, after all… miracles come in all forms—and sometimes, they even come when you aren’t prepared.
Always, I post daily lunar forecasts the day before at
Occurring Through December…
Issues, Lessons & Growth; Stay Tuned
Mars Rx in Gemini Opposite Mercury/Venus, then the Sun
Mars opposed Mercury on November 29th at 19*18’ and opposed Venus on November 30th at 18*47’, and finally, Mars will oppose the sun on December 7th at 16*05’…
Respectively, from the perspective of Mars, these degrees describe divisions.
It is important to keep in mind, specifically with Mars/Mercury opposition, that the mythological symbolisms that are associated thereof—typically translate to something sounding like: disputes, being shared or announced; a viral/contagious outbreak; separations within social circles, marital/romantic partnerships or familial connections or everyday correspondences—even personal inner divisions…
Typically, with Mars and Mercury, there is a struggle—usually a struggle over stance, or motivation, or basic ability… there can be a breakdown of something essential—be it immunity, target markets, supply chains, communicative bonds, or transportation… though, on a personal level, these could resemble something more like a building inability to continue in a particular way—requiring something to give—be it a mindset, a character flaw, or a behavior.
An opposition between Mars and Venus can manifest within quite a range of potentials—however, through the degree which this opposition is occurring, it is likely to presume a disagreement or emotional breakdown of sorts, regarding the way in which something is done, or handled, or how something feels… otherwise, disharmonious intentions or motivations could arise toward the manner in which to do something, believe in something, honor something, perceive something or understand something—any of which, then, will require an adjustment in action.
And then, with the sun—this opposition could indicate an emerging theme toward notions of personal lack: of drive, or initiative, or motivation… toward goals or ideals.
Or, it could simply feel like a really lethargic day—a day when you just don’t want to give your all, or participate at all.
Listening to your body and to your inner voice through this challenging energy would be good—you will likely learn something incredibly informative about yourself, or what you’re working toward.
The Planetary Personals
Mercury/Venus Continue Closeness into Capricorn…
After Mercury caught up to Venus in November, in conjunction, Mercury quickly took the lead…
Mercury moves into Capricorn by December 7th, with Venus following behind on December 10th—but not before squaring Neptune, then squaring Jupiter—as these will each feel quite differently. More on these energies in a separate post.
Through the thick of the month, Mercury and Venus close in on Pluto, though Mercury begins to slow by the end of the month to station for retrograde—beginning the new year backtracking Capricorn-laced lessons—while Venus reconnects to Pluto on NYE, ending the year upon a remembered note from last December, for better or worse… and I will be posting on this separately.
Part 2 of the Planetary Planner/December Issue to follow…