A Monthly Overview Review
Your Astrologically No-Nonsense Inspired Takeaway for December
“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
—Abraham Maslow
With eclipse season fading as the winter season begins to blossom—the month of December assures the potential for warmth among the nightly darkened chill… should you be up to the challenge of enlightening yourself.
This might be a matter of reprioritizing your beliefs, or convictions, or personal philosophies—or altering them altogether… there will be light.
On December 7th the full moon in Gemini occurs at 16*02’, as the moon connects to Mars in conjunction at 16*07’… if this isn’t an opportunity to confront your own thoughts, opinions, beliefs systems about life and how the universe works, as well as everyday routines—it’ll be a harshened reckoning should you decide you shouldn’t need to participate… to participate in your own opportunity for enlightening—an upgrading of personal consciousness.
Why would one decline?
This full moon occurs through a degree that describes maturity, and preparedness—and warns of the repercussions of being caught unprepared. Obviously, each of our personal upgrades will be different, as we are all operating upon varying levels of consciousness and evolving at different speeds in more individualized ways—particularly, perhaps, even more so through this new Age of Air…
Beyond Maslow’s hierarchy—we each require completely different experiences from our lifetimes, entirely unique challenges through which we need to learn, and rewards that suit our more vulnerable essences… we all have our very own cosmic assignment to answer to—and this full moon may be one of our check-in points, if you will… or, perhaps—our own cosmic publicist is filling us in on what we’ll be needing to prepare to answer for?
Typically, a moon/Mars conjunction is emotionally volatile, and depending upon what zodiacal sign—entirely unstable.
However, in Gemini—this volatility could present itself as an impatience, particularly emotionally, as Gemini doesn’t ‘do’ emotions; other manifestations could resemble overactivity, verbal aggressiveness, or something of a short-circuited awareness of perspective—in that everything that is currently occurring might seem like all that will ever occur, without any regard or reference to the future. Also, defensive mechanisms may be turned up to the highest level—just in case. The opposition of the sun, in Sagittarius, should help to balance any over-inflated ideas about the Here & Now, highlighting the broader horizons as well as, most pertinently, the Now—to illuminate choices, options, opportunities, and potentials to acknowledge in action here in the Now.
The overall takeaway of December is that it may take the bitter chill of winter, and the lack of anything that allows us to feel that much more secure, and that much warmer—to incite necessary changes, personal or otherwise.
It is our pre-season opportunity, through Sagittarius, to dream… to ponder and play—to envision within our realities all the sugar plums and gumdrops that seem to make the stars up above twinkle that much more brightly… and then, through Capricorn—we work to create these dreams, and ponderings, and visions… we do what is necessary to procure our heart’s desires.
This occurs every year—but this year—this year we will do so without guarantee of any kind, and we will do so despite this.
This year we will change ourselves from within—to guarantee a new way.
Thank you for reading, for sharing, and for subscribing… and may you and yours enjoy a warmest, most fulfilling holiday season—and a happy and healthy new year, XO JJ