An Extended Influence…
Finalizing Cooperatives
The Venus/Pluto Conjunction at 27*40’ Capricorn
Upon New Year’s Eve, the last day of the year—perhaps an ode to the years passing—Venus will reconnect with Pluto at 27*40 Capricorn.
The last time Venus conjoined Pluto in conjunction was December 11th, 2021 at 25*19’ Capricorn—Venus was moving painfully slowly, as this was directly before stationing to move retrograde, and thereby reconnecting with Pluto on December 25th at 25*44’, and then again for the third and final time, on March 3rd, 2022 at 27*51’ Capricorn.
This ultimate conjunction, on NYE, will move through the same ending degree from earlier this year, suggesting a fourth and final opportunity to (re)learn the lessons being offered through this degree—or maybe a leveling-up of its essence… particularly if you haven’t heeded its insights from the first time.
This degree is one describing the need for organization, coordination, and common bonds in the name of harmony… and ultimate reconciliations—or finalizing cooperatives continuing to miss the point entirely.
Mercurial Machinations
The Mindsets of Mercury
Mercury Leaves Sagittarius for Slowdown in Capricorn, to Retrograde
The last week of November has Mercury opposing Mars Rx, and through this aspect, likely disrupting something important—something that the larger collective likely takes for granted.
From here, Mercury moves forward, into a square with Neptune on December 1st at 22*39’, still within something of a t-square alignment with Mars—this arrangement could potentially further confuse, distort, or cloud reason or cause regarding whatever disruption is emerging.
And finally, before leaving Sagittarius, Mercury will square Jupiter at 29*04’ on December 5th, which may be a hard one to translate until we’re closer to this day…
Once in Capricorn, on December 6th, Mercury will square Chiron on the 15th at 11*58’, connect to Uranus by trine on the 17th at 15*29’, and then begin to slow quite dramatically, to station for retrograde on the 28th at 24*20’, and begin its retrograde on the 30th.
Through this point and passage of stationing, Mercury will be something of a midpoint between Venus and Pluto at the end of the month, suggesting a kind of pre-arranged communication—much like the fielding a celebrity publicist/agent would do with someone wanting to interview the star/talent… ‘s/he doesn’t answer question about… s/he won’t talk about…’ especially after last December—and its infamous Venus/Pluto conjunction and its unignorable reality—for better or worse, there will likely be a poignant reminder… and I would understand if Venus—the talent—asks Mercury—the agent—to first field the specifics with Pluto—the make-or-break opportunity—in an effort to better prepare…
Then, through the first chunk of the new year, Mercury will be moving retrograde back through Capricorn—and likely under the tutelage of Pluto.
Tarot of the Month
Tarot Insights
The major arcana card associated with the zodiacal energies of Sagittarius is the Temperance card…
The Temperance card is associated with patience, moderation, and most essentially—with bringing balance (back) into manifestation, as well as the sustaining of it.
This card also describes the crucial importance of the possession of a clear vision—and the knowing of what you want and how you need to go about obtaining it, achieving it, growing it, building it…
Sustaining it.
How will you manifest whatever it is into being?
Junctures of Jupiter
Personal Philosophies, Forwardly Directed…
Jupiter Leaving Pisces & Back into Aries; degrees 29 through 2
Through December. Jupiter spends its time inspiring visualization, and intention… and then moves through the zero-point degree of Aries on December 20th.
This point of the zodiac is a significant point—and powerful place for any planet to pass—a point which is referred to as the beginning of the universe… and so, double how dramatic that sounds when the likes of Jupiter is passing through—again. There is something powerful occurring, underneath it all and within it all…
Can you feel it?—both personally and collectively.
The first degree of Aries represents realization—this degree speaks to ‘birth, emergence, and taking the first, faltering and naive steps on any journey… it also speaks to the stirring within that signals the realization of potential and the possibilities of growth—it marks the starting point of the journey of self-discovery…’
The second degree of Aries represents release…
Definitely more on this later.
Stay tuned for Part 3 of the Planetary Planner/December Issue on its way…