Solar Spotlights
Sun in Aquarius, Pisces
When moving through Aquarius, the sun spotlights Uranus by square on the 3rd of February through a degree that evokes alliances, contentment, and self-fulfillment—particularly through the bonds you value most… though romance is suggested through this degree, it is not likely to come through Aquarian solar energies alone, and would require much more to fulfill such a tall, and possibly inappropriate, order. However, as it is the sun—which suggests an overall focus and devotion—contentment with bonds already secured, or those which you are only beginning to merge, could enjoy something of a rejuvenation or enhancement. These bonds, too, could also represent your courtships to personal values, and the natural response thereby.
The sun will then, on February 5th, be opposed by the moon for the full moon in Leo at 16*41’ and can be accessed the night before here.
Then, while still in Aquarius, the moon will begin to apply its annual conjunction to Saturn—the traditional ruler of Aquarius—for nearly a week before finally connecting on February 16th through a degree immediacy and preparations… this annual sun/Saturn conjunction, as all solar conjunctions are, is a big deal as it begins a brand new cycle/relationship between the sun and Saturn for the next year—this will be a post offered to paid subscribers only as knowing what this relationship suggests for you for the next year will offer huge benefits in navigating the foundations of your entire year.
Then the sun moves into Pisces on February 18th, and into the first decan of Pisces—which will also be a Decan Delineation post offered to paid subscribers only.
The new moon in Pisces forecast, at 1*22’ Pisces, on February 19th will be accessible here the day before.
Monthly Moon Moods
The Moon Through February
The moon through February offers, as mentioned above, the full moon in Leo on February 5th at 16*41’ and the new moon in Pisces on February 19th at 1*22’ can both be accessed the night before at my main website, or the day of here, as can the LQ moon in Scorpio at 24*40’ on February 13th and the 1st Q moon in Gemini at 8*27’ on February 27th.
The lunar building through this month begin on a gibbous note, in Gemini, suggesting much learning to do, then through Cancer—much learning through feeling to endure… the Leo full moon offers opportunity and/or challenge, depending on how you’ve been navigating your energies since January…
The second week of February is all disseminating vibrations, through Leo, Virgo, Libra, and into Scorpio, which immediately suggests that you’ll likely be quite busy communicating your talents, skills, and social assets in more strategic way, likely to be tested upon the LQ moon—best to keep your needs and values protected and secured.
The third week of February, besides beginning with a bang, quickly becomes balsamic, and you may very well need to break away a bit depending upon how Monday the 13th was navigated…
This year’s Valentine’s Day may not be so lovely for many folks, I’m afraid… it presents us with a Sagittarius balsamic moon opposite Mars, connecting, too, to both Jupiter and Chiron—yikes. Even the smallest thing will likely be blown well beyond realistic proportions, for better or worse. Instead of any seriousness—try to simply enjoy time.
The Sagittarius balsamic moon tries to remain hopeful, as it does, but once in Capricorn, you may be reminded by more realistic perspectives are useful. This week of balsamic lunar build-up presents the new moon on that Sunday, the 19th… allowing you an opportunity to tune back in to your dreams—your truest dreams—treating this time as a spirit/soul retreat of sorts.
The week of the 20th begins with the crescent moon still in Pisces, then into Aries and Taurus by the next weekend… this might be a slow-going beginning to a week that then turns into go, go, go in a very meaningful way. It ends on the 1stQ moon, potentially providing yet another hit to the ego, depending upon how you take constructive criticisms or otherwise personal tidbits of wisdom to be that much more.
The two remaining days of February the following week end much in the way the month began—with a gibbous Cancer moon conjunct Mars—ouch.
Mercurial Machinations
Mercury in Capricorn, Aquarius
Mercury begins the month in Capricorn, after moving through its first retrograde phase of the year last month—last month Mercury covered much its grounding a second time due to retrograde—and now Mercury begins covering fresh ground.
Nearly right off the bat, on February 10th Mercury connects to Pluto in conjunction. Last year Mercury came very, very close to Pluto—but stationed just before…
Now, we’ll be enlightened to learn the lesson Pluto has had in store for Mercury since last quarter, carefully dictated through a degree which screens predictability—and this will be a post offered to paid subscribers only.
Then, on the 11th Mercury quickly moves on into Aquarius to catch-up… and I will be writing a post on how best to enjoy and utilize Mercurial pursuits when in Aquarius.
On February 16th Mercury will square the Nodes through a degree that telltales impact… the Nodes have been slowly inching through both Taurus (the North Node) and Scorpio (the South Node) for some time and will actually cross-over into Aries and Libra this summer—and so whenever a planet comes in contact with the Nodes, it’s definitely a detail into the subtleties of the ethereal… what I like to call: background music.
Sometimes we know the words, sometimes we don’t—but when we do, or when we choose to learn (through knowing which planetary influence is behind it) we do much better navigating our dance floors, so to speak.
This occurs on the same day that the sun begins its new cycle with Saturn—and so these two details occurring simultaneously is really something… I’ll be offering a separate post on this to my paid subscribers only.
On February 21st Mercury will square Uranus through a degree suggesting efficiency—organization will be essential to you if you’re wanting to manifest anything…
The next day Mercury connects to Mars by trine through a degree that accents vigilance—double-check, triple-check: what isn’t exactly right?
Venusian Ventures
Venus in Pisces, Aries
Venus begins the month in Pisces, which I wrote a post about as to how to best enjoy this very lovely energy… and I will continue writing these for all the planets—I think they’re quite useful.
Venus will square Mars on February 4th—which is a big deal, particularly in regard to all/any Venusian and/or Mars-driven matters, which, let’s be honest, is pretty much anything as far as humans are concerned…
The previous Venus/Mars conjunction occurred on July 13th, 2021 at 19*49’ Leo, then the last, most recent, occurred on February 16th, 2022—due to Venus retrograding in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Venus came really close to squaring back to Mars, in Gemini, back in September of last year—but Mars slowed dramatically to station for retrograde while Venus moved on—leaving that ‘next step’ open…
Until now.
The pair opposed one another on November 30th at 18*47’ Sagittarius/Gemini while Mars was still retrograde.
And so now—this square will fill in some blanks remaining open… it will occur through 11*14’ Pisces/Gemini, and I will write a separate post for this on offer to my paid subscribers, and I’ll go over all of these dates, as well as the upcoming connections, and delineate these Venus/Mars relationships and what it means for you.
Then, Venus will connect to Neptune—modern ruler of Pisces—in conjunction, at 24*04’ Pisces on February 15th… and this would ordinarily be quite a lovely day—and it will remain lovely for you, should you be able to rise above much of the drama otherwise on offer from several other planetary combinations—though, this year it may only add to any drama occurring… somewhat ironically, this conjunction occurs through a degree that speaks to dismissals.
And then on February 20th Venus will ingress into Aries and I will write a separate post for how to use this energy most productively—and safely.
Finally, at the end of the month, Venus, in Aries, will gain up to the asteroid Vesta (my personal favorite), Jupiter, and Chiron—and I’m really looking forward to the mixing of these particular vibrations… I’ll definitely be writing more of an essay/article on this. There’s much healing and recovery to be surrendered to, most ultimately in an effort to manage moving forward in any manner… our inner warriors will find an anthem, and a way.
Mars Movements
Mars Direct in Gemini
Mars remains in Gemini (until March 25th) and is moving as quickly as is possible retracing previous steps… Mars stationed to move retrograde back on October 27th at 25*34’ Gemini, and finally stationed to move directly on January 8th, 2023 at 8*13’, and so with Mars moving through degrees 11—20*, Mars is not yet out of that shadow.
The last time Mars moved through these specific degrees was from September 7th—October 3rd of 2022 the first time; then in retrograde November 24th—December 22nd of 2022… it might be helpful for you to look back at these dates more reflectively.
Obviously, it was from September into October that any mistakes or mishaps occurred.
Then, from November into December is when the lessons were likely provided…
Now, as it’s been some time—through this month—you can take actions toward cleaning up, fixing, restoring, repairing, cleansing, or otherwise mending whatever it was, for you within your personal reality, that serves your Mars in Gemini transit.
These degrees, specifically—11-20* Gemini—regard practical involvement, objectivity; growth, self-assertion; appreciation, accomplishment; attunement, listening; clarifications, communication; development, maturity; specialties, exclusivity; learning from experience, paying attention; self-help and personal responsibility…
The sixteenth degree of Gemini, however, is not as cooperative… this degree highlights discontent and ignorances, bitterness and anger—Mars will move through this degree from February 17-19th, and the moon will illuminate this be square. Ugh.
Otherwise, Mars will not make any planetary aspects to anything but will be illuminated by the moon… and by the end of the month, merging into March, Mars energies will become much more potent, as if preparing… so do be mindful of this.
Further, and finally, as Mars continues its journey through Gemini, Mars continues to oppose Sagittarius—so for those of you born with heavy doses of Sagittarius, this Mars retrograde has likely been much more exhausting for you, not to mention, much more aggressively brutal in regard to being honest with yourself, and becoming more rudely acquainted with what others think about you—through your distorted perspective.
Junctures of Jupiter
Jupiter in Aries; Degrees 6—12*
Jupiter makes no major/harsh planetary aspects to anything this month, other than the moon illuminating its own relationship to Jupiter, which I will regard via Moon Moods. To provide a heads up, though, Jupiter will be quite busy in March—moving as one of the key players within the Aries stellium I mentioned above within the Venus section.
The degrees of Aries, 6-12* regard, in sequence:
February 1st-4th—half of the story
February 5-9th—a doubling of efforts
February 10-14th—the winds of change
February 15-19th—divinations
February 20th-23rd—updates
February 24-28th—ambitions…
If you would like any clarification with any of these degrees, please free to message me at the bottom, or email me.
Structures of Saturn
Saturn in Aquarius; Degrees 26—30*
Saturn makes no major/harsh planetary aspects to anything this month, other than the moon illuminating its own relationship to Saturn, which I will regard via Moon Moods. To provide a heads up, though, Saturn will ingress into Pisces next month, and this is huge—I will definitely be writing a separate essay/article regarding this.
The degrees of Aquarius, 26-30* regard, I sequence:
February 1st-9th—anchorage
February 10-17th—doing what needs to be done
February 18-25th—metamorphosis
February 26th-March 6th—ancient mysteries…
If you would like any clarifications with any of these degrees, please free to message me at the bottom, or email me.
Look forward to The Planetary Planner| Part 2 in your inbox at some point tomorrow… thanks for reading, XO JJ