Mars Movements
Maintaining Motivation—Waiting for the Moment…
Mars Rx/S/D in Gemini
Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October, and since then we have been given much opportunity toward efforts in finding our footing… and using our voice.
It is possible that you now feel heard—or you may still be struggling to feel heard.
Mars will station mid-month and be moving slowly—but directly!—by January 17th, upon a degree that advocates preparedness and ambition, upon ‘hitting your target or achieving your goals…’ and obviously, you’re likely not going to be able to get right out there and—BAM!—goals accomplished… but you’ll be much more appropriately equipped and emotionally able to sustain your energies for an endeavors long haul.
More on this to come…
Junctures of Jupiter
Coming Into Your Own…
Jupiter in Aries; Degrees 2—6*
New beginnings are nearly everywhere… or, at least the initial steps thereof.
Jupiter, now in Aries, begins an entirely new Jupiter cycle, lasting nearly twelve years long—and so it is recommended to take the first half of the month to prepare—to prepare a new start.
Likely, this new start will occur within the sector of your nativity that Aries is found.
Jupiter doesn’t really make any dramatic aspects through the month of January, however, these first several degrees of Aries are quite exciting.
These degrees, in order, describe release and self-discovery; personal drive; following instincts; personal uniqueness and unusual opportunities; and revelations…
I will try to delineate these degrees more deeply in a separate post.
Structures of Saturn
Lessons in Comfort Within the Uncomfortable…
Saturn in Aquarius; Degrees 23-26*
Other than the moon connecting to Saturn throughout the month by varying aspects, the only major aspect Saturn is involved with is its conjunction with Venus, on January 22nd—I wrote on this in the Planetary Planner| Part 1, and I will also be writing a separate post about this as it approaches…
The degree this conjunction occurs through is one of becoming.
The energetic combination between Venus and Saturn is that of comforts feeling uncomfortable—or desires being just out of reach…
The month ends with Saturn moving through a degree that appeals to having much more control over a situation or circumstance than what was available before.
Tarot of the Month
Putting Light Upon the Shadows…
January/Capricorn—the Devil
The month of January—and specifically the zodiacal sign of Capricorn—is represented by the Devil card of the tarot. This is a card that reminds us to face ourselves—the good, the bad, and the very, very ugly—to confront our own shadows so that we may have an upper hand in our personal pursuits; befriending our demons is always encouraged over running from them.
Particularly as this first month of the new year gets off to a somewhat slowed start—it’s the perfect opportunity to take the time to really look at yourself: to assess your weaknesses, to review your strengths, to address any challenges that have been put in front of you with a much more honest acknowledgment in potentials, and to truly identify what it is that motivates you, and drives you forward…
By the time mid-month approaches, should you honor yourself and your potentials and actively participate in these suggestions—you’ll be more than prepared to begin a new forwarding path.