A Monthly Overview Review
Your Astrologically No-Nonsense Inspired Takeaway for May—
Around mid-May, the real thick of the month, the underlying impulse we’re all feeling just beneath it all will emerge in full-force and peak by the 20th through a near-perfected fixed t-square alignment involving some of the heaviest hitters of the planetary players: between Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and the North Node.
Even more striking, this alignment initiates itself upon the ingress-point to these fixed energies—which is to say the zero point degrees of Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus.
Finally, the zero point degree of Aquarius, particularly, has been a repeated impact point between transiting planets since 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn met again in what is a twenty-year conjunction cycle, marking the ending and beginning of a new trending in time—and December 21, 2020 reset the trends in time at 0*28’ Aquarius.
How does all of this translate to you?—the month of May offers bigger than big-time potentials in real growth—the kind that can empower you, both within and beyond… still, you’ll need to do the real work, it wouldn’t just occur for you.
Even the caterpillar does its share of the pre-planning, preparation, willing and ultimate surrender to even allow for Mother Nature to bless the transformation…
The flex-points of the zero-point degrees of these fixed signs are as follows—
0* Aquarius—reassurances; survival; indestructibility; spiritual integrity; incorruptibility
0* Taurus—Source; purity; freedom; liveliness; creativity; inspiration
0* Leo—pressure; force; tension; stress; frustration; burnout; need for release; determination; compulsion; lack of self-control; loss of rationality; explosiveness; mobilization
These will be important to keep in the back of your mind throughout the month, as whatever emerges for you will likely fall into one of these categories—and, as always, it would be tremendously helpful to you to know what houses these signs govern within your nativity, as these planetary players will be activating events within these sectors of your personal reality.
On May 17th—Jupiter will square Pluto at 0*18’ Aquarius from Taurus…
On May 20th—Mars will oppose Pluto in Aquarius directly from 0*17’ Leo, catching up to an exact square to Jupiter, and on May 22nd, at 1*29’ Taurus, and to the NN on May 24th at 2*34’ Taurus from Leo.
Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, BAM!!!
One hell of a week.
Mars, in Leo, will prove to be the fuel that sparks the force…
These ‘hits’ will all occur within what astrologers refer to as ‘within orb’, which is to say that its distance will remain within a range that will feel as near as it would within its outer boundary—which is to say it’s close enough to count.
As if a car was driven into your yard, but didn’t exactly disturb the foundations or structure of your home… you’d likely still be quite effected.
However, because this building alignment is being initiated within that zero-degree impact-point—toward Pluto as Pluto slowly retrogrades within Aquarius, heading, eventually, back into Capricorn—this event might as well be occurring within the framework of your front door and/or foyer.
Also, please understand that I am only referring this planetary alignment as a car accident because you will not be able to not look at it—and it might very well feel like a traffic jam…
Whatever these opportunities-disguised-as-manifestations represent for you—these will be obvious to you, and you will not be able to ignore them, nor will you be able to even consider resisting, avoiding, or denying whatever consequences these suggest—or your summer months may quickly become quite harsh, as this underlying build will continue to erupt throughout the summer and into the fall.
These opportunities-disguised-as-manifestations will also occur so closely after the year’s first eclipse season, so freshly thereafter such an upending shifting to be accommodated… or risk severe stagnation—all of it will simply need to be trusted.
Whatever these opportunities-disguised-as-manifestations represent for you—these will offer hefty installments of personal growth and overall expansion in regard to your perspectives about your reality and the world, this alignment within your nativity occurs with such delicately volatile potentials, such guarantee-resistant openings through which to further your personal evolution…
It would be a shame to resist the risk to feel alive and truly empowered.
It would be a real shame to deny the natural shifts of trends in real time, most directly and most personally… to deny the natural disturbances of growth and vitality.
It would be a damn shame to try to lock and bolt your front door from such magical offerings…
I will be writing more throughly about this building planetary alignment closer to the event for paid subscribers, to inspire suggestions upon the truly curious, to symbolically prepare one’s front door more appropriately, however metaphorically.
As always, be kind to yourself and invest in yourself… XO, JJ
image credit—@takiisbranding