Solar Spotlights
Inward, Outward…
Continued Annual Scorpio Vibrations & a Snippet of Sagittarius
The sun moves through Scorpio through the first half of the month in a close moving stellium with Venus, and then Mercury, opposing Uranus and the NN, as well as squaring Saturn… while the second half of the month, through Sagittarius, still in tandem with Mercury and Venus, connects to Jupiter and Neptune by trine.
These are two very different atmospheres… and I’ll post on this as it evolves.
This moving t-square, though never fully exact—only exact in sequence—suggests a tension between whatever transformations you’re trying to manifest or navigate—or those you continue to resist. This t-square, however, particularly, as so many planetary influences are involved—suggests that this transformation, or whatever is being asked of you beyond your preferred give-and-take, is… let’s just say—a really big deal.
The potential that you are on to should you claim this personal responsibility… wow.
As you (hopefully) willingly probe through the depths of your own inner darkness you will begin to penetrate and provoke new perspectives, and new potentials, new values, and new behaviors that more positively bring you into alignment with an entirely new way of being… you are in the process of mighty transformation—transmuting the old and expired for new meaning and substance through the raising of your consciousness.
May your new horizons offer substance… and may they be bright.
The Monthly Moon
Moon Phase Planning Overview Through November
November 7th offers the full moon/eclipse in Taurus at 16*01’, squaring Saturn by two degrees… this lunar event will likely feel quite oppositional, and extreme, with the most essential need becoming the ability to identify the necessary and important values, and matters, among the unnecessary and unimportant—and take on whatever these ask of you, as well as understanding the actual motivation behind emerging conflicts, or anger, or anything otherwise that is surfacing through this week.
Also, this is a lunar eclipse, which tends to symbolize endings—it’s a good time to purge that which has become stagnant or is beginning to decay to open for new… new growth, new opportunities, new beginnings—and for changes that will further benefit you through the long-haul of your personal evolutions.
On November 16th the LQ moon at 24*10’ Leo opposes Saturn, this time by five degrees—though still likely potent… endurance will be highlighted or challenged. There could also be a fearlessness offered—which may be something you do not typically identify within yourself… if you are brave enough to explore, rewards await.
On November 23rd the new moon in Sagittarius occurs at 1*38’… this is a lovely moon and should offer a little morsel of magic to anyone paying attention—and this may be the thing—this will likely be a frenzied, restless moon, and so being still enough to fully receive anything could become the challenge/distraction that keeps an otherwise potential from being appreciated.
And on November 30th, a 1st Q moon at 8*22’ Pisces could offer the kind of energy necessary or desired to jumpstart a new beginning or motivate a change or inspire the expanding of mental or emotional parameters… you just might make a challenge of it with another, or yourself.
You can read my daily Moon Moods forecasts on Facebook or receive them in your inbox—these will always be free.
Occurring Through November…
Truth Telling or Deception? Stay Tuned…
Mars Rx in Gemini Squares Neptune, Ending Month Opposite Mercury/Venus
Mars, now fully retrograde by the 3rd, actively reapplies a square to Neptune—exact on November 19th at 22*42’, a degree last experienced on October 9th.
Mars Rx will maintain this square connection to Neptune throughout the month, though only exact midway—and will begin to oppose a moving Mercury/Venus conjunction in Sagittarius at the end of the month, still in loose connection to Neptune—creating a loose t-square alignment… this would suggest that whatever Mars/Neptune square matters have manifested since the beginning of October could begin to either move, shift, or morph into something more, something larger, or something quite indescribable… or that much more beyond your current understanding.
Of course, I’ll post a separate, more thoroughly composed, essay regarding these movements of Mars—but for now, this is a quick and dirty overall.
Any divisions created through October could begin to cause that much more division, or further confusions… this second square to Neptune falls upon a degree that describes ‘truth telling’, while the shadow side of this degree warns of deception; you may really believe that you know or understand something—something important, something essential, something potentially vital—only to learn that you’ve had it wrong, or that its source was inherently dishonest or unreliable, or that the details within were askew in some fundamental way.
Then, as Mars comes into opposition with the moving Mercury/Venus conjunction, which will separate within the month of December—the opposition to Mercury will occur on November 29th at 19*18’; to Venus, November 30th at 18*47’—Mars’ message may change its tone, even only slightly… the last time Mars moved through these degrees was in late September.
Still. Mars will be holding onto a square with Neptune—and so information may still be unreliable, or misinforming, or entirely illegible.
You may need to decipher information—old or new—within the overlap that connects your higher mind and your heart-center… be mindful of what you believe, of what you think, and of what you share.
An Extended Influence…
Challenged Directives
The Sun/Mercury Superior Conjunction at 16*15’
The sun and Mercury meet in superior conjunction at 16*15’ on November 8th through a degree that describes ‘a total reliance upon the dictates of the God-within…’ transcribed by astrologer Dane Rudhyar.
Further, Rudhyar explains that through this degree, “we see the result of a deep and complete concentration reaching to the innermost center of the personality… this reveals the potency of the inward way, the surrender of the ego to a transcendent Force which can create through the individual, vivid manifestations of the Will of God.”
Definitely more on this…
The Planetary Personals
Mercury/Venus Conjunction in Scorpio, Into Sagittarius at 7*08’
As Venus and the sun begin to slowly separate from their near-monthlong conjunction through October—Mercury gains speed to catch up… which begins to ignite our awareness by the beginning of the month, when the sun, Mercury, Venus, and the SN move to oppose Uranus and the NN—which moves to t-square Saturn, however loosely… it will likely be felt, underneath it all.
This planetary tailgate moves in tandem through the month, and Mercury eventually passes the sun and begins following closely behind Venus, into Sagittarius, moving into trine with Neptune and Jupiter for a much-needed change in atmosphere for the precious place within.
More on this, stay tuned.
Look for the Part 2 of the November Issue in your inbox.