Mercurial Machinations…
The Mindsets of November
Mercury Through Scorpio, Sagittarius
Mercury, through the month of November, moves through Scorpio and into Sagittarius—suggesting that our mindsets and mental motivations are moving from endings and re-beginning, inner resolutions, and processes of transformation and change to much more broadened perspectives toward many new ideas and agendas.
Mercury, in Scorpio, through the beginning of the month—can be keen on diving deeper into things, achieving more of a microscopic perspective, picking apart the details of a thing, or a matter, and getting directly to the source, or the nerve, of it. This is useful for investigating and research, as well as personal endeavors such as psychoanalysis—but in Scorpio, upon its shadow side—Mercury can become almost too probing… to the point of paranoia.
You may find that your own thoughts become a bit more probing than usual—you’ll just need to know much, much more about something, even just one thing…
In Sagittarius, through the second half of the month—Mercury isn’t as invested in anything so deep, or deeply, or for that matter: anything so dark… but much more interested in possibilities—toward the potentials for Things To Come.
In Sagittarius, Mercury is searching more for meaning, and not so much into all the painstakingly personal details—though, previous details gained through Scorpio may come in handy through Sagittarius, if used appropriately.
When the mind begins to associate meaning to experiences, notions, and factual data—we begin to really animate, on a much larger scale, the potential abound before us.
I’ll dissect more deeply into Mercury through both Scorpio and Sagittarius separately.
Junctures of Jupiter
Personal Philosophies, In Review
Jupiter Rx Back Into Pisces; degrees 30, 29
From October, Jupiter moving back into Pisces from Aries sparked the last degree of Pisces—a degree describing the process of what astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as archetypalization.
Now, as Jupiter moves one degree further back into Pisces, we begin to differentiate.
I do hope that you spent some quality time with yourself, visualizing. Because it is now that we continue, or—return—to the relationship between you and your visualizations.
Which is to say—that precious place you’ve been exploring within yourself, that place within the overlap of where your higher mind and heart-center overlap.
Jupiter Rx connects with Mercury and Venus as they finish their exploration inward, within the Underworld, through Scorpio, mid-month, by trine, at 28*55’ Scorpio on the 15th (Venus) and the following day, at 28*53’ Scorpio (Mercury)… and then stations direct completely by November 28th at 28*50’—more on all this later.
A Monthly Overview Review
Your Astrologically No-Nonsense Inspired Take-Away for November
The month of November holds so much potential… there more I dig into it, the more I delineate—the more I feel as though really lovely magical possibilities and personal phenomena are quite probable should you wish to do the work required for the rewards.
Still navigating the Underworld through the early hours of November 21st this year, here on the west coast, the darkness and depth of Scorpio energies tend to penetrate and provoke… it’s what you do with these provocations that uncovers the real meaning of the experience. Persephone, Queen of the Underworld—meaning ‘destroy/slay’—began her displacement into the Underworld as Kore—meaning maiden—just a young girl; an innocent—naive and provokable… Persephone became queen through enduring her own darkness—through embracing the ugly, harsh and darkest realities of Life and balancing these within herself with beauty, and love, and everything that’s divine in Life.
It is said that Persephone assisted Hades in ‘rounds’ with the newly dead, to help assuage their pain, confusion, and loss in their transitioning into the Underworld… sometimes, without the approval of Hades, for those who were open to it, for those who actively worked with their darkness from previous lifetimes, for those who willfully wanted to understand their inner depths and vulnerable tenderness—she would support their transitions back into the Upperworld for a new life, a second (or third, or fourth) chance.
Persephone is also the origin story of the seasons… from the beginning, Persephone’s lessons to all was that everything lives and dies, that nothing is forever, that everything has a season. To become attached to anything, but the expectation of change, is simply naive.
The majority of November, then, offers opportunity for change. However, these changes will require your full participation—as though Persephone is guiding you through your own personal evolving… you must really want the change, you must really want to endure the transitioning and transformation—you must really want to see your darkness.
Then, when the sun moves into Sagittarius—as always—it’s as though second chances are a given, being shared with all, as though literally being offered away… as these Zeusian energies come with a certain certainty most other energies do not dare—faith.
Perhaps therefore religion became so intrinsically intertwined with Sagittarius—its essence, simply, defining ‘confidence or trust’.
Persephone is the lesson that everything ends. Yet, the hidden lesson within—that Persephone believed, however quietly, through living proof of her own experiences within the Underworld—Persephone possessed faith, Persephone was no longer provokable. If you look deeply into your darkness, there is light—there is energy. And energy never dies, it merely changes form… it evolves, and it expands.
A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us…
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery