Solar Spotlights
Balancing Inwardness—Annual Libra/Scorpio Vibrations
The zero-point degree of Libra marks the autumnal equinox here in the northern hemisphere, making—in turn— the midpoint between solstices… Libran energies are literally oscillating between two peak points within the very foundations of what we call our experience of reality here on this planet… wild. Also, Libra is cardinal by nature, meaning that Libran vibrations—and all things associated—represent moving, taking action, turning points, crossroads, and motivational directionality, just to list a few.
We’ve been graciously seeking balance within Libran energies now since September 22nd, and will be approaching the second decan of Libra by the time I publish this newsletter—and there will be a separate post regarding the second decan of Libra…
Libra is ruled by Venus, and this year Venus will ingress into Libra September 29th, joining the sun with quietly intentioned pursuit to catchup to the solar force mid-month in conjunction… Libran energies can be somewhat perplexing to those of us without much natal influence or dominance here—and even as perplexing to those who do! Wherever Libra is within your nativity, and whatever sector of life which is thereby governed by the influence of Venus—this is the sector of your life that, just the same, can be somewhat perplexing to you… but also—somehow managed.
Tis the season, then, oscillating between preparing for freezing temperatures and fears of scarcity, and inner joys toward that which is already possessed and secured with all the warmth of heart… after the sun moves from Libra it moves on into Scorpio—this year on October 23rd—the zodiacal sign most tightly associated with life cycles and death; as summer dies, autumn begins… as our heightened sensations of livelihood begin to decay and exhaust themselves somewhat naturally, our need for inward reflection and quiet to recharge and ultimately revive become priority.
Within October, upon the 25th, we have the solar eclipse at 2*00'‘ Scorpio exactly, conjunct Venus at 2*40’ Scorpio… this eclipse will be associated with ‘the accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from the past… the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished…’ and so, truly, a new series within your personal anthology awaits.
The Monthly Moon
Moon Phase Planning—the Moon Through October
Right away, on October 2nd, the 1st Quarter Moon at 9*47’ Capricorn challenges the abilities and capabilities of trust—who you trust, why you trust, why you don’t… as well as the ways in which we either command or seek respect—these will all be confronted, reflected upon, and thereby confirmed—and hopefully improved upon, to your advantage. You may have to deal with something quite squishy now—but it will be for the best.
On October 9th, the Aries Full Moon at 16*33’ could have you motivated to turn dramatically inward—it is a Warrior’s Moon, a time in which we fight for what we believe in—it is time to really look at yourself, how you present yourself, how you are regarded by others, so that you can appropriately adjust your persona to obtain more easily that which you seek…
On October 17th, the Last Quarter Moon occurs at 24*19’ Cancer, and this is the moon when ‘we grieve…’ though it is also a moon through which we are given the opportunity to further adjust any recently adjusted personal parameters since the full moon… perhaps you decided not to make any adjustments?—or maybe you’ll make simple, silly adjustments rather than digging more honestly and confrontationally into your personal philosophies and genuine ways of living… which is what you’ll now need to do to regain an inner sense of equilibrium.
And finally, on October 25th, the Scorpio New Moon occurs at 2*00’ exactly—and this is also the solar eclipse—and this particular eclipse will represent a ‘break away’ from your past, or from sentiments through which you would navigate your motivations and/or ideals… a new chapter is beginning—or rather, an entirely new series is being initiated, with nothing whatsoever to do with previous chapters of your life… it is a new personal era—and by April of next year, much will have been altered, either by you or for you… the choices to upgrade and/or evolve are yours—though the universe is absolutely going to have a say.
Occurring Through November…
Words as Weapons, Scandal, Deceit—Mars in Gemini Squares Neptune, Stations Rx for More…
Depending upon where Gemini is in your own chart—this is the sector of your life currently experiencing a more aggressive take on thoughts, opinions, communicative style, as well as how you relate to others… also, it’s where you’re currently learning to navigate the disruptive divisions occurring within these matters, and the restless anxiety that is associated with it.
You’ve likely been realizing these new manifestations since August—only now they are beginning to intensify as Mars slows to station, and eventually move retrograde… Mars isn’t ever an advocate for slowness—nor is Mars exactly comfortable moving through the energies of Gemini… the restlessness and impatience, along with your attention span toward anything being somewhat divided or even threatened by distractions or noise—to ask yourself what you’re getting done is its own frustration! This very slow phase of stationing will surely be its own kind of agony…
Through the stationing and the beginning of retrogradation—Mars will square Neptune; now the anxiety, noise, cutting words and opinions, distractions, and divisions have the potential to be confused, misunderstood, or even deceptively conjured, or outright slandered…
If things even make sense—or even if they do not!—things could become quite nasty, indeed, upon a more personal plane—within your smaller reality, this extended aspect could manifest as something that bewilders you, or confounds… perhaps your words, or their intended meanings, become misrepresented, or mistaken entirely—or maybe you’ll feel quite foggy toward the direction you thought you were taking… and will not require a kind of clarification that simply isn’t available at this time—and likely won't be approachable to understand or decipher the most subtle details until January.
And in the meantime—bam!—something other than the truth could be devouring you…
Mars connects to Neptune by square upon degrees which associate to, respectively in order—testing the boundaries and evasion; the resistance of change yet wanting room to move; and being lost in the wilderness, and battling through harsh times… I am currently writing a separate post for these separate square connections—to be published soon.
The Planetary Personals—Libra/Scorpio Stellium Buildup
The sun and Venus spend much of their time in October moving quite closely together, within several degrees before finally meeting in conjunction in Scorpio—and this moving in tandem through the latter degrees of Libra, between the likes of, essentially, both our egoic focus and inner light and our desires and relational expressions are pursuing the same likely Venusian result, or aim—to reconcile…
Truly, as it is through the energies of Libra that these two planetary forces are combining and collaborating their effort—the pursuit would have much more power if it is aimed toward harmony, a rather harmonious result… and this month is likely to throw this ideal for a loop. I’ve already written a post regarding Venus in Libra, and I will write a separate post regarding, more specifically, the sun/Venus conjunction…
An Extended Influence…
Challenged Directives: the Libra Sun/Venus Conjunction Cornered
So, the sun/Venus conjunction—which is something that isn't exactly occurring frequently, particularly in such length!—it is one of the most lovely, harmonious vibrations this season has to offer <sincere sigh>… the sun and Venus move in tandem through much of the latter end of the month, and within three degrees or closer from October 12th through November 2nd.
Again, I will write at length, separately, about the sun/Venus conjunction more specifically in a future post.
What I will include here for you is that this conjunction, however harmonious it is meant to be—it will involve reflection, and I mean: a genuine effort in participation toward self-reflection…
This Venusian/Libra evolution, then, this time, is fundamentally reflective; true self-examination, self-analysis, and overviewing perspectives toward self-transcendence, personal poise, and deliberate self-study are all on offer and are opening to you and available to you… all in an effort to (re)connect with an/Other in a more mutually beneficial and cooperatively intimate manner.
Not many are up to this type of personal challenge—though I strongly encourage you to be open to the learning, which will inevitably knock you around and down a bit…
The harmony to be offered is the reward for participating.
Mercurial Machinations…
The Mindsets of October—Mercury Moving in Virgo, Libra
Mercury, due to retrograde, begins the month of October still analyzing the details and dimensions, and working to understand the inner working parts of all things, in Virgo—and finally moving into Libra on October 11th, joining Venus and the sun. This ingress into Libra immediately applies a third and final opposition to Jupiter, preparing to move back into Pisces in retrograde.
This opposition will require a lengthier post, which I will publish separately (in fact, that’s primarily what these newsletters are being written for—to allude to you the overview of each month, and provide you an idea of what I’ll be writing more thoroughly about… but then there’s always some surprise additional posts, as well.)
Mercury moves on to oppose Chiron, just as both the sun and Venus did days earlier, and finally catches up to the duo in early November, in Scorpio… this Mercurial-focused opposition to Chiron, then—depending upon what the sun previously highlighted, and what Venus was able to assuage or reconcile—could provide better understanding toward something still feeling somewhat elusive, or it could offer actual information, or even still, this could be an opportunity to learn something more introspective or essential about yourself, upon a much higher level of consciousness.
As for the mindset of October—Mercury’s movements from Virgo into Libra, so much further behind the sun, would suggest that some of the more directly dimensional details within your reality, or personal understanding, or toward your ideals—whatever it is you’re working toward—required some additional maintenance, or tweaking, repair or improvement… and the Libran influence will most assuredly provide a much-needed additional balance upon perspective—sometimes you can only look at something so long before you no longer see it; not only will you regain your vision through the entire process, but you’ll likely better understand more about yourself through the reflections of others—for better or worse.
And then, in November, through Scorpio—squared by Saturn and opposed by Uranus and the NN—a personal planet stellium between Mercury, the sun, and Venus will be challenged by it all…
Stay tuned.
Tarot of the Month
Tarot Insights—Justice & Death
The major arcana cards of Justice and Death in the tarot are associated with Libra and Scorpio, respectively—the two major zodiacal energies you’ll be confronted with through the month of October—two cards that can be easily and detrimentally misunderstood, and just as eagerly feared.
Again—new chapters are opening for you, while previous chapters are requiring the final paragraph and appropriate sign-off… you are free to fill in the content for yourself—or it will be filled in for you.