The Planetary Planner/October Issue
Monthly Astrological Movements: Part 3/a Monthly Overview Review
A Monthly Overview Review
Your Astrologically No-Nonsense Inspired Take-Away for October…
This autumnal equinox likely challenged you—not necessarily in ways that better prepared you for an upcoming colder, likely wetter, winter than usual—but rather, toward an entirely new beginning within some sphere of your personal reality…
I give you this to take with you: nothing remains as it was… if you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.
—Judith Minty
It’s eclipse season again—and when the eclipses fall within the depths of Scorpio, and thereby, the depths of the Underworld—it’s almost as if something is demanded of you, either to be sacrificed, surrendered (to), or salvaged… and it will be much more comfortably endured should you willingly participate—otherwise, eclipse season energies have a way of participating for you through you.
The first half of the month—the Libran half—will ask of you your attentions and your collaborations in reconciliations, particularly when several planetary aspects work to potentially create real conflictions within your attempts to balance, find a place of ease, and maintain your patience… you’ve come a long way since August—and it’s likely you’ve been working quite hard at something, or living up to something for yourself… something through which you would like to develop further into your reality—and this month’s movements may create a bit of difficulty for you, either more inwardly or in actuality.
These challenges, however, happily, should you choose to slow down, breathe more deeply and thoroughly when necessary, and coordinate, or re-strategize, or otherwise pivot just so… these challenges will likely prove to be something of a boon for you—but it won’t feel like this in real time.
The second half of the month—the Scorpio half—the half offering the eclipse, particularly—should offer the fruits of beginning anew… of course this eventual, inevitable renewal, repair, rejuvenation, or release will occur within your reality wherever Scorpio governs within your chart—but it would be strategic of you to begin considering what you may be willing to sacrifice, surrender (to), or salvage…
Remember that, particularly through Scorpionic energies, that whatever you sacrifice you gain back exponentially, and whatever you surrender (to) you empower as a result, and whatever you manage to salvage will inevitably restore the underlying essence thereof and become that much more revived thereafter.
Much of the (inner) confliction being experienced, and battled, is a result of Mars—Scorpio’s ruler—moving through the divisive and bipolarized parameters of Gemini… and so looking to where Gemini is within your nativity might also provide you a clue as to the origin of these conflictions.
I do no think it is surprising to see that through the eclipse, Mars is at 25* Gemini—a degree that describes ‘pruning’… to the ‘bringing under control nature’s power of expansion…’
What within your reality is needing pruned—in an effort to grow back stronger, better, and much more capable?
What within your reality are you willing to sacrifice, surrender (to), or salvage?