Junctures of Jupiter
Personal Philosophies, In Review—Jupiter Rx in Aries, Back into Pisces; 4*Aries-30* Pisces
Jupiter Rx dips back into Pisces near the end of the month, delving back into what astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as ‘archetypalization’, describing the ‘power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer…’ which is quite powerful stuff, indeed.
As Jupiter was Zeus—god of the gods—having dominion over all that ever was or would be… this is to say that our personal dominion over our visions, to believe and act out—this is to be in one’s own empowerment.
Surely, you’ve been visualizing your ideals…
And so you may begin to feel this phenomenon much more powerfully, or you’ll begin to ‘buy into this’ if you haven’t been using this personal power all along… this technique is ancient, and truly magical—and really something—whether it’s explainable, or not.
The last time Jupiter was moving through the thirtieth degree of Pisces (the 29th) was in May of this year… as Jupiter moves back into Pisces from Aries, essentially, our inner ideals are experiencing an inner empowerment of personal will merging with the outer dimensional parameters of reality within All That Is!—this is the stuff of the Mysteries, the stuff that is never shared, or spoken, or, more sadly, never savored by the masses… it all gets so confused. This is the stuff of the clockworks of the cosmos—and it is absolutely within your ability to orchestrate within it, enjoy it, and give back to it… this is one of those—what I call: ‘red carpet’ opportunities.
Jupiter will move as far back into Pisces as the 28th degree, through November, and then station on November 24th to begin moving directly again, moving back into Aries on December 20th.
More on this in a separate post… stay tuned.