Tarot of the Month
Tarot Insights—the Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is associated with the month of September and represents pure potential… and new beginnings.
Where there’s a will, as they say—there’s a way.
This potential may be in regard of clean up, recovery, or retreat—or simply, in regard of improvement or refinement—all in the aftermath of August… or it may lean toward what’s next for October—either way, this potential should not be taken for granted… but it may inspire you to follow your instincts—in yet another form of self-care—and may it be an opportunity in trust… with an/Other.
What will you begin?!
Junctures of Jupiter
Personal Philosophies, In Review—Jupiter Rx in Aries; 7-4*
This month Jupiter moves backward through degrees of Aries quite specifically synthesized with the degrees of Libra that much of the month regards through the movements of the sun and Mercury, as well as Mercury in opposition with Jupiter… it’s the kind of synthesis that the cosmos grants us with from time to time—just to see what we do with it.
Luckily for us—we’re privy to this before it occurs… so there’s no excuse—personal accountability at its finest.
Perhaps it’s leftover aftermath of whatever August and its dog days offered—Jupiter begins the month opposing Mercury, which is to say, quite literally: our overall faith, will and belief system is receiving a new thought, a new idea, a new belief, a new overall, larger-than-life-itself perspective… which has the potential to override our entire personal algorithm—if we allow it.
As Mercury continues backward, this opens space for both the Big Idea and our own mental machinations to process it all… new realizations are emerging everywhere, with ‘capacity for self-transcending…’ as well as the ‘polarizations necessary for fulfilling one’s life functions…’
Through the month, the Big Idea will oppose Mercury twice, the sun and Venus—which is to say: our ego/motivation, and our heart/emotional drive.
A Monthly Overview Review
Your Astrologically No-Nonsense Inspired Take-Away for September…
Perhaps one of the most infamous questions Socrates allegedly asked of the court while being incriminated on charges of impiety and corruption of youth… “is the unexamined life worth living?”
The month of September offers a very confrontational personal examination…
Let it be understood—the definition of ‘impiety’, modernly, defines ‘irreverence’ or ‘disrespect’… and so, in essence, Socrates was being incriminated for lacking a civic or morally dutiful respect regarding the overall systems of the day… sound familiar?
Socrates spent his entire lifetime learning and striving to understand that which was not readily available or on offer—he questioned everything and everyone… he likely did not have many friends. Socrates insisted that when—and only when—we, as individuals, are capable of fully understanding ourselves most thoroughly and uncomfortably will society be able to enjoy a culture of morally reprehensible and dutiful civility.
Specifically, Socrates never wrote anything down—rather, he lived it; he walked it and talked it.
Virgoan energies are very much an embodiment of personally dutiful understanding—and it is through this thorough understanding that these energies are more likely to improve that which is lacking, broken, or ignorant—because the understanding is central to it all… questions need to be asked—even if they’re uncomfortable, or criticized as disrespectful. It is through discomfort that we can fully probe the essence of the part of ourselves that feels it; this part of ourselves has been left unexamined… until now. It’s the examination that fulfills… and heals—which is to say: makes whole.
All of the sun/Mercury activity this month absolutely supports this Virgoan effort in examination and understanding. Mars moving through Gemini for seven months will most likely trigger the discomforts of these efforts… though September will see Venus move through Virgo—which could offer a bit of a buffer, if only for the time being.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing…
Socrates believed that for one to even have the right to speak—one should know oneself, and understand oneself… like, on a collegiately philosophical level. Otherwise, how would one even understand what one might think? This month is about trying to understand yourself that much more thoroughly so that you might more appropriately regard yourself, and your needs, that much more ruthlessly.
September’s energies are inspirational, informational, and improvisational… through the last several years—many of us have struggled to make sense of so many new details, so many new factors… everything is changing, so quickly. Now is the time to probe more thoroughly into the thick of it and the squish of it to better, and more honestly, understand it—so that you may then take what you have learned… and improve upon it, with love.
Approach yourselves gently, with tenderness… and openness! —with curiosity! There’s so much more to learn about yourselves… this is going to be really tremendous growth-work here. With love, thank you for reading and supporting— JJ