Upon the stroke of midnight, of September 29th, Venus moves into Libra and through the zodiacal sign of the scales Venus harmonizes until October 24th.
Always, always—it’s the planetary energies that matter more, and hold much more weight toward influencing than do the zodiacal signs… the signs are mere preference, and sometimes challenge, all depending upon the combinations involved… and when Venus moves through Libra—both energies are quite in sync to the other, and thereby, much balance and harmonization is truly achieved.
Libran energies require balance—through which a sense of inner/outer harmony can be found, and (hopefully) sustained… not all planetary motivations are interested in such pursuits.
Venusian energies require reconciliation—and through Libra, reconciliation simply comes naturally… not all zodiacal influences are interested in such requirements.
So, you see—the essential intention, is to harmonize and reconcile… and because Libra is cardinal by nature—Venus will seek to reconcile divisions, particularly through/within relationships, through ambitious involvement toward that which feels to resonate with what’s mutually desired, adored… or merely most comfortable—which isn’t always best.
Now—more importantly—will it be achieved?
Change is absolutely being promoted—be it toward a new relationship with someone, or something, or—and much more likely—within an existing relationship—and you may actually feel a very smooth and soothing assertiveness toward this change, particularly if your natal Venus is cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn).
Keep in mind that Venus represents how you express your affections, how and where you feel appreciated, and how you give yourself to others… and so, for those of you with a watery natal Venus, for example—Venus in Libra may not be all harmony honey, silk sheets and roses at all, or the ‘perfect time to stumble upon a romance…’ (gag) the way many of the magazines and woo-woo websites will try to clickbait you, but incredibly impersonal and emotionally detaching… and weirdly, somewhat one-sided.
However. This said—regardless—Venusian influences, when in Libra, will still attempt to bring together things which are experiencing imbalance, however potentially inharmoniously, whatever that may mean for you (typically, a manifestation most connected within the sector of your reality that Libra governs…)
But still—will Venus’ intentions in Libra actually be achievable?
Okay. So. Let’s delineate the Venusian aspects being made through Libra/October…
On October 1st, right away—there’s a ‘side’ to take, and perhaps dramatically so, or at the very least a central issue of focus or import. Thing is—there may be a severe misunderstanding or ignorance toward, or regarding, whatever it is being sided with, or against… particularly if you’re new to something or someone, or if you’re still learning something, or if you’re otherwise unfamiliar with the inner workings of whatever it is you’re ‘for’ or ‘against’… and keep in mind—Venus is desiring the reconciliation of these sides… and, additionally, when Venus opposes Jupiter, there is typically a coming-together type of vibration that is experienced, and acted upon, that tends to overpower any other consideration entirely… whether it’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Whatever manifests at this time—you’ll likely be all in, or not at all. Remember to be kind, either way—Libra demands it.
Then, on October 10th—an issue, either the same one described above, or a previous/past issue, could resurface… or, there may be something needing your attention, action, or tenderness again… this is when Venus begins trailing the sun pretty closely as it opposes Chiron—at this point only three degrees between, enough to matter—and so the sun is separating from an opposition to Chiron… which would suggest, too, that whatever wounding or weakness the sun highlights—Venus may be simply applying a loving touch to or making amends, if necessary.
Very late October 13th or extremely early early in the morning, October 14th, depending on where you live—Venus, trailing on the sun by only two degrees now (which is separating from Saturn) exacts a trine to Saturn through a degree that alerts toward potential dangers, particularly the kind that are seemingly invisible… because Saturn is involved—this would suggest, too, potentials which could have been avoided with preparations, insurance, or better judgment and the like. Here, too—the sun will have just highlighted a potential through this same degree, should a potential be manifesting… and Venus, now, may be attempting to smooth over, reconcile, or otherwise find compromise or agreement—depending upon what the circumstance may be. This could also be highlighting and assuaging something needing taken care of—to avoid potential misfortunes in the future. Further still, you could simply be needing to detach a bit from the new constant need for connecting—particularly if it feels controlling—especially if this isn’t typically your jam… the ‘invisible potential danger’ here, then, would be your emotional sanity. Libran energies tend to need to please others—but do try to keep your boundaries about you, as well as your wits, and your integrity… don’t, however, expect others to do the same in your direction.
On October 18th—Venus connects with Mars, now struggling through Gemini, though both now are moving within the element of air, and so whatever chemistry/connection occurs through this transit will be more communicative, mental, objective, diplomatic, or otherwise collaborative upon a more intellectual or impersonal pursuit… in fact, this connection occurs through a degree that is associated with insights—the kind of insights that can easily be misinterpreted, particularly if you’re unable or unwilling to be objective. However, should you be able to apply a realistic Venusian/Libran spin upon your insights—truly, those that reveal anything of interdependence and mutuality—you should be able to uncover something quite profound, however fleeting… what you do with this insight is the focus, and you—through your insight—could have the power to change everything. Venus and the sun are also simultaneously applying a square to Pluto…
So on October 19th—both the sun, and then Venus, exact a square to Pluto, now moving within the same degree at this point (and will continue through October 25th—the solar eclipse at 2* Scorpio)… through a degree that describes reflection; it is pretty powerful to consider a building/moving conjunction between the sun and Venus connecting to both Mars and Pluto simultaneously…
This deserves a bit more delineation…
It is through this degree of Libra that Venus and the sun come together, as well—and this is a detail—this degree of reflection… which would suggest that as the sun and Venus continue to move in tandem, in conjunction, through the rest of the month—that this Libran/Venusian evolution, then, is fundamentally reflective; true self-examination, self-analysis, and overviewing perspectives toward self-transcendence, personal poise, and deliberate self-study are opening to you and available—all in an effort to (re)connect with an/Other in a more mutually beneficial and cooperatively intimate manner…
This is heavy. Many are not up to the challenge… but cardinal energies love a challenge.
And to think—Venus moves into Scorpio in the last week of October… talk about not being up to that challenge—Venus in Scorpio will probe so much deeper and deeply into the squish of it all than Libra could ever stomach trying to accomplish… this will be no one-month-and-done type of lesson—oh no—this will definitely be an ongoing endeavor (to your benefit), should you take it on.
But, back to the square the Pluto—also heavy—this suggests that (continued) ignorances will no longer be tolerated… should you or an/Other be ‘avoiding reality’ in some way, specifically toward something that’s occurring or ongoing, and/or avoiding close connections or intimacy—this will no longer be ignored by the Other… a confrontation could occur, a coming-together, breaking apart, or intervention.
If I could correct many of the woo-woo websites promising ‘love and romance’ as Venus moves through Libra, promising that ‘it’s such a romantic time…’, I’m going to say, no—probably not, not this year—but a much smoother time for self-study, particularly toward how you are in relation with an/Other… and this more appropriately available celestial opportunity on the table at this time—is absolutely and deliberately intentional toward the reconciliation of who you are when Love is involved, and who your soul needs you to be when Love is involved.
This, and all this self-reflection—on top of a solar eclipse at the end of the month!—there’s so much… will Venus accomplish Libran harmony through reconciliation?! Anyone’s guess, and totally up to you… if I had to wager—you’ll either have an emotionally trying month, or an extremely cohesively connecting month, with yourself.
I will be writing an entirely separate post regarding Venus and the sun… stay tuned, JJ
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.