As promised…
Allow me to provide you a bit of astrological review toward the ongoing Venus/Pluto conjunctions that have occurred for several cycles now—
Since 2021 Venus has been connecting to Pluto in conjunction through the winter, if not directly targeted holiday season—with December of 2020 providing the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction mere degrees away from Pluto on December 20th, to Venus moving into Capricorn by January 8th and connecting in conjunction at 25*06’ Capricorn on January 28th, 2021… initiating something quite quietly potent.
This was considered, even then, the ‘light touch’ that was necessary to begin finalizing the oh-so-close Pluto in Capricorn conclusionary circumstances.
Then, in December of 2021, Venus and Pluto met again in conjunction on December 10th at 25*17’ Capricorn—which was through the same degree!—only for Venus to station to retrograde on the 17th at 26*26’ Capricorn, to move back into conjunction with Pluto again on December 25th at 25*44’ Capricorn (again, the same degree…)
This degree, beyond its assurance of ‘light touches’ describes unpredictability—which was absolutely something that was rife with potential at that time… “be prepared to change gears at a moment’s notice—things aren’t likely to stay the same for long…”
This was Christmas Day last year—2021.
Naturally, whenever Venus retrogrades—that which comforts us, feels good, or inspires joy is compromised, if not altogether absent, particularly if Pluto is involved, which would suggest that that which comforts us, feels good, or inspires joy is taken from us, stolen, destroyed, or otherwise damaged.
Much loss was experienced over the holiday season last year—emotionally as well as financial, as well as utterly painful disappointments of all kinds—as well as disappointments in consequence of exchanges… perhaps the gift you wanted was no longer available, or the gift you were promised was never received, or maybe someone very meaningful to you was unable to attend the pre-planned get-together. Or it could have been the weather? You see where I’m going with this…
Even in the most subtle or inconsequential of ways—last year’s holiday was not ideal.
I wrote about this last year, inspired through the symbolisms of the Cypress tree…
And then, in March of this year—2022—Venus reunited with Pluto for the third time within that retrograded set, once moving directly again—at 27*51’ Capricorn on March 3rd, 2022… a degree not yet explored.
This degree describes coordinations and collaborations… and getting organized.
I began writing in many of my relevant posts, advising pre-planning and efforts in preparedness—especially so as I knew that Venus would reunite with Pluto once again this year, though only once, for only one day… I suppose, at this point, you’re likely looking back through your recent winter seasons… and I implore you to do so—because Venus will be reuniting with Pluto on New Year’s Eve, at 27*40’ Capricorn—through the degree from earlier this March.
We’ve had much time to prepare…
I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value…
—Hermann Hesse
So Now, upon NYE, several things—this degree is being repeated, yes, but it’s also a very late degree, which can often offer the energies through this degree that much more potency.
This degree, a degree associated also with ‘listening to one’s inner voice rather than the internalized voices of parents, friends, or enemies; sensitivity to other people’s energies and voices; seeing through facades to underlying psychological realities; puncturing pretenses; messing with other people’s realities; surpassing mere competence and achieving an impressive performance; seizing one’s opportunities and refusing to knuckle under; disciplined practice; and pursuing one’s own methods till one reaches one’s goal, even if it drives other people crazy…’
Perhaps this holiday season—to fanfare the finality of yet another year, another year within the sequencing of this Venus/Pluto cycling—we can rise to our occasions and overcome, to see through…
To see how far we’ve come.
To see how prepared we were/are.
To end this year of 2022, may we all find personal meaning—particularly toward that which was harsh, disappointing, and quite challenging in ways that may still be experiencing deeper inner personal exploration.
What’s being emphasized now, then, is the ‘importance of not giving up before a goal is reached or a dream fulfilled…’
This year’s Venus/Pluto dance is much more hopeful, much more motivating, and now offering/asking us: what, oh what, will you do with this one short lifetime!!?
What a wonderful way to begin this year’s New Year’s vibration, to initiate for 2023 a delightfully personally-motivated ever-lasting ideal/ambition to pursue, aim toward, tackle, and achieve... now that the grunge and decay from previous metaphorical lifetimes and Underworld self-psychoanalyzing has been wiped from view…
Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; 2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; 2004.
Roche, D. ‘Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; 1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; 1973.