So, what’re we thinking about through August?
How are we able to make sense of what may feel like a seemingly endless experience of changes and changing—all of it occurring so quickly, too quickly to fully process appropriately…?
In what ways can we keep a reasonable outlook upon what may feel like an emotional overload?
Fortunately, Mercury moving through Virgo can inspire and conjure rational thinking overall, particularly overriding any more emotionally-charged emotional thinking, and focusing more upon those more useful thoughts which are very much ensconced within those new personal goals toward a much-needed revival regarding our sense of security and well-being, a renewed sense of security and well-being, a renewed acknowledgment and demand of self-worth, as well as those personally genuine values now being held toward a new, more illuminated, light.
With the impersonal protections of reason and rationality supporting your thinking and mindfulness, you are much more inclined to remain cool, calm, and collected—particularly when the inevitable heat gets turned up this month…
If you are able to rise above and embrace the chaos That Is with flexibility, it will allow you to shift and bend and pivot, and you’ll be that much more focused toward your next moves—moves that you aren’t as likely to regret. You’ll also be more appropriately aligned to remain unattached by ego toward whatever it is attempting to bring you down or charge you up in deconstructive ways.
Like your own personal algorithm, Mercury in Virgo works like a sort of spell-check of sorts between all left-brain and right-brain automations, allowing for a clearer awareness toward what to take personally—and what to leave alone because it has nothing to do with you.
Mercury will move, through the month, into connection with the Taurean stellium by trine though the nineteenth degree—a degree that associates with ‘competing with one’s emotions’… with ‘wanting to be first at everything’, and ‘concentrating on the goal’; despite Mercury being exalted in Virgo under natural domicile, Mercury navigating these degrees exemplifies something of a competitiveness, in a way that exploits conflicting emotions…
Is this situation you’re facing, or facing you, worth the effort you must put in?
If it is—go for it with all your might.
Further, “if someone is just trying to outdo you, you might decide to pull out and let them go for it… people can’t win against you if you’re not competing against them and a refusal to compete may take the wind out of their sails…”
Finally, “the best ways to win is to run our own race, compete against yourself and always do your best.”
Keep your wits about you and make good choices and try your best not to navigate your moves through your mood!—that’s always a risky way to navigate anything!
In between goals is a thing called Life, that has to be lived and enjoyed.
—Sid Caesar