Solar Spotlights
Going Inward—Annual Virgo/Libra Vibrations
Virgoan energies are inarguably about the improvement of something—and this month it regards the improving of Self, through both self-help and self-care… and perhaps, most of all—through understanding. After the month of August—regardless of whatever breakdown or breakthrough you were confronted with—September is about understanding a deeper meaning, and the necessary recovery and actions needed thereafter.
The sun will continue to be squared down by Mars into its annual ingression into Virgo at the beginning of the month, still simmering down from the heatedness of August… and as Mars is now in Gemini, this square-down feels mercurial, naturally, though somewhat conflicted (Mercury in Libra). Confrontations with self in an effort toward deeper knowingness and self-love will likely emerge…
By the time the sun is moving into Libra it’s meeting up with Mercury in inferior conjunction—through the zero-point degree of Libra, a degree that is associated with ‘that which is made sacred’… stay tuned for more details through Solar Spotlights…
The Monthly Moon
Moon Phase Planning—the Moon through September
The 1st Q moon flows out through the new moon in Virgo late last month, occurring on the 3rd at 11*14’ Sagittarius, as the moon simultaneously opposes Mars at 8* Gemini… asking us—urging us! —to ‘bring our noblest ideals to actual life through the power of our will…’
The Piscean full moon occurs on the 10th at 17*41’, culminating all efforts of will toward your noblest ideal—only to fully indulge these efforts. If you’re looking for a following, support, or more simply, mere applause—your efforts will be heavily required.
The Gemini LQ moon on the 17th at 24*59’, with a t-square with Neptune at 24*, inspires our sentimental focus upon the details of things… and that which needs pruned.
And the Libra new moon at 2*49’ on the 25th is conjunct both Mercury and Venus in Virgo while opposing Jupiter by one degree… this new moon falls upon a degree associated with ‘the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed…’ keynoting ‘the ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values…’ though this degree requires reciprocated participation—as ‘it is always a new role’ by this degree and not necessarily only a ‘new day’ or a ‘new foundation’… these energies require a ‘new way’ as well, for ‘everything to change…’
With both Mercury and Venus still in Virgo—this becomes even more curious… as, literally, our thoughts and desires become focused more heavily upon self-improvement and critical discernment toward that which is better, and more appropriate, for our personal evolution.
This lunarly event will need further explanation, as it will be something of a magically fated horary if utilized correctly.
Please look for my daily Moon Moods posts on my personal website or on social media for a more in-depth forecast.
Occurring Through March 25, 2023
Your Words Are Potential Weapons—Mars in Gemini, Rx
The intersection of all things Gemini and all things associated with the planetary energies of Mars collide, quite noisily and rambunctiously, within a place aggressively filled with arguments and controversy, critics and criticisms, debates, disputes, and excitability, as well as headaches—the very obnoxious kind that come on strong and refuse to soften or leave… and sarcasm—the satirical kind. Fun.
Interestingly, beyond these… irritants? —Mars and Gemini have a few other things in commonality: canvassers, salesmen, solicitors, and thieves… basically, those who are out to either buy you, sell you, or trick you—the essential lesson to learn as Mars moves through Gemini is to learn to thoroughly think for yourself, thoroughly and intelligently. Remember, Mercury is the original con—and the original messenger, and when Mars is involved, the ‘message’ becomes abrasive, edgy, threatening/threatened, or altogether bullying/bullied.
Literally, our words (Mercury) become potential weapons (Mars), with typical conversations becoming argumentative, and discussions which would otherwise be constructive or angry, triggered, or mean… particularly if you’re allowing your ego to call the shots for your actions.
Mars moved into Gemini on August 20th and will move all the way to the twentieth degree by the end of September. Then, in late October, upon the twenty-sixth degree of Gemini—Mars will station to retrograde. Ultimately, the long-term of it: Mars will move into Cancer on March 25th, 2023… until then—we will learn the very hard way low to communicate clearly without coming off either impersonally or too matter-of-factly that it feels harsh… we will learn, ultimately, how to think for ourselves—regardless of what is confronting us contrarily.
Through this month—Mars will square the sun, and connect to Mercury by trine, then square, as well as square Venus somewhat extensively due to its eventual slowing in movement, which will absolutely frustrate Mars, in association to whatever it is Mars is trying to achieve or accomplish for you in Gemini—wherever Gemini is within your own chart—which is to say: this is where you will inevitably feel these frictions and frustrations.
An Extended Influence…
The Even Bigger Picture—Mercury/Rx Opposite Jupiter Rx
Mercury will connect to Jupiter Rx three separate times—through the seventh degree, the fifth degree, and then through the second degree of Libra… it is typical to deduce, by the very basics of astrology, that it is likely you will be opened to an even bigger picture toward the ‘big picture’ you're currently navigating… what isn’t as clear—is what, exactly, will become so inflated with potentials of bigness?!
Also, of note—while Jupiter is moving retrograde through Aries, the sign of selfhood, Mercury will be moving retrograde through Libra, the sign of Other… the bigness of potential may, indeed, be for you to enjoy—but you’ll likely either need to understand it through/with an/Other, or even need to collaborate upon it further with others. The inner conflictions will very likely need to be delineated in togetherness… somehow.
The Planetary Personals—Mercury Rx in Libra, Virgo…
Mercury will begin the month in Libra, opposing Jupiter and begin stationing at 8* Libra on September 8th, and in maintaining its opposition to Jupiter, Mercury will begin moving back, until September 22nd, when Mercury will meet the sun in inferior conjunction at 0* Libra.
Details, details—always with Mercury… but, for those of you who like to mark your calendars—
Mercury will the move back into Virgo until October 1st, when stationing will begin at 24* Virgo, moving directly once again on October 3rd.
Mercury will ingress back into Libra on October 10th, though I will include these details within the October issue…
The major takeaway for this Mercury retrograde season—the opposition to Jupiter Rx… begin paying attention to what ideas are sparked or provoked around September 1st, as the ‘big picture’ will likely become much bigger by then…
Libran Vibrations…
The Mindset of Sept—Inferior Conjunction at 1* Libra
From September 20-25th, Mercury will be particularly potent… first, Mercury will oppose Jupiter Rx for the second time, now moving retrograde, and the Mercury will meet up with the sun in inferior conjunction, and finally, Mercury will be involved in a new moon stellium of sorts—in conjunction with Venus, the sun, and the moon—for the Libra new moon at 3*.
This week is also Mercury’s last week moving back through the initial degrees of Libra before moving back into Virgo, which is to imply that these initial degrees of Libra fall upon the core of the lesson we aim to learn through this retrograde.
And so, dear reader, it is through this first degree of Libra that we must attempt to understand the ‘bigger picture’ thereof…
This bigger picture, then, through the lens of the first degree of Libra—at the inferior conjunction—would suggest that the current reality has lost much of its energy. Something new, thriving with much more momentum, has emerged… though it is much too soon to tell anything—and could be severely misunderstood at this point. There’s much more to whatever it is… and whatever it is—it will require you to remain who you are to your core… that whatever changes needing to be made, in time, as it is too early to tell… need to be made externally—not from within.
These eventual changes—changes which are not quite ready at this time to be fully realized—will likely result in the betterment of your overall outlook upon things, as well as improve you within your you-ness. These changes will only perfect their essence in time… with time.